The WALL - yet to be perfected

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First, I would like to explain what I do what I mean by this.  There is something  that we hide from others. It is not necessary an idea or a feeling. It can be anything you can think of. In my case is mostly stauff that even I am not aware, they have been buried inside for various reasons. They show up only in the critical moments.

But there is only one side to the secrets and mysteries. There is more. We hide from a lot. Mostly from others and everyone has some kind of access to these things. But it varies for everyone around us. Some know more and others know less.

I want to talk about those who know a lot. With this comes responsibility to treasure this information and use it in some way or other. They gained power over the information, but what if we decide that we want to change that. We can't take this is the information back.

There are other options. We can confuse them, make them think that we lied or mislead them. That our mind has changed, but either way we will stop giving them new information.

And this inspired me to write this. Because we start building walls. Walls that stop all of the information, emotions and we close ourselves.

The sad part is that all is based on the presumption that they will the reveal our secrets or understand everything next. Or maybe we think, that it is better this way, without even giving them an option to know and do as they wish.

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