Chapter 2

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As she both looked at each other, him with a red face and you with a blank one like I said, you were one to be considered emotionless girl. He then slowly looked down to see where his hands were then back up to your face, as he quickly scrambled to get some distance between you 2. As you both sat on the ground, you looked at him curiously to why he was panicking so much

" I am so, so so sorry, I did not grab you, please don't think I'm a pervert!"

He said in a pleading and embarrassed face as he closes eyes and had his head down and shame

" why would I think you are a pervert I bumped into you, I should be the one saying sorry "

You said trying to figure out what he was freant out by it. You were kind of clueless where it came to relationships.

"Really your not mad"

He said looking at you not believing your words.

"No I'm not mad"

You replied looking at him with the same face then a sigh of relief came out of his mouth.

" thank goodness i dont know what I'd do if you started telling people that I was a pervert"

He said with the relaxed face

"Of course by the way what are you doing here"

"Im just here to get away from things"

"What was this thing you wish to get away from"

You asked as he turned to look at you and looked back and chucked

" If I tell you you'll laugh to"

"I won't"

"How can I trust you"

He finished as you paused to think of what to say.

"If you haven't noticed I'm very different"

You said as he realized that your eyes looked empty. He thought for a moment thinking what if you were right and even if you were lieing you would hear it  somewhere else by other students.
He sighs and looks at you

"It's because of my quirk"

He said looking away

"What about it"

You asked not knowing what he was getting at

"It's because everyone thinks my quirk is a quirk of a villain"

He said as there was silence

"What does your quirk do"

You said wonder why someone would say a student at UA has a quirk of a villain. There was silence again as you could see he was debating on whether or not he should tell you then he finally spoke.

"My quirk allowe to mind control anyone that talks to me"


"You have a mind quirk"

You asked as you didn't think you run into someone with mind powers to

".... Yes.... And I understand if you don't want to talk to me ever again... Its probably for the bett-"

"That's stupid"

You cut him of as he looked at you surprised by your words

"Just because someone is different doesn't make them a villain"

You in a slight angry which was a lot of emotion on your part.

" You aren't scared of me but what abou-"

"No I'm not if there are people talking about you don't listen there just jealous they don't have a quick half as cool"

You said cutting him off. It was quiet as he just looked at you not believing your words as you both just looked at each other

Shinso POV

I couldn't believe what I was hearing all my life through kindergarten to high school everyone said I'd be better of as a villain or the fact that I had a villains quirk and yet this girl was telling me that otherwise.

As I continued to stare at her I didn't realize how pretty she was. She had beautiful (H/l) (H/c) hair with gorgeous (E/c) eyes that just sparked and I couldn't help but get lost in them. I didn't realize I was starting that much and when she finally got my attention I couldn't help but blush a light pink hue.

"Are you okay"

She asked in a really cute voice making me blush more

"You seem to be getting so pink your almost red and your head is hot you must have a fever"

She said as she had her forehead on my forehead making my face get even more red as I could see her beautiful eyes even more. I was so lost in this embarrassment I almost couldn't find any words

"I-i-im f-fin-ne re-real-ly"

I said mentally hating myself for not forming right words.

"Don't be foolish your red and hot the only explanation is a fever so... "

She said as she suddenly grabbed my head and pulling me in between her breasts.

If my face was red before my face is a cherry tomato all the way to my ear.

"W-w-w-wh-what ar-are y-y-yyou d-d-doi-ing"

I said hating my self even more now because of my Incapablity to talk.

"I'm giving you a place to rest before class starts so you don't need to go home and miss school"

She said as if it wasn't a problem as she laid back on the tree. I was going to say something but I was stopped by her warmth, it was so comfortable I didnt realize I was drifting of to sleep as I subconsciously sneaked my hands around her waist leaning in more and eventually falling a sleep.

"So warm..... "


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