Chapter 7

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After all the romance with you and shinso you both went you separate ways.

~Time Skip~

It was Monday and you were just finishing getting ready for school when you got a ring on you door bell. After finally finishing you went down stairs and when you opened the door you saw shinso ready for school.

"Hey morning, ready for school"

He said with a warm smile on his face.

"Yeah let me get coco"

You said turning around to get your cat leaving shinso confused. 'who's coco' He thought. When you came back with coco in your hands he looked down at her

"I don't think the two of you met shinso this is my cat, shinso coco, coco shinso"

"Oh so this is coco, hey girl are you ready for school to"

He said looking at her with a smile. And surprisingly coco smiled back. She doesn't really like other people especially boys. You were actually a little worried about them meeting but it turn out to work in faver.

"Wow she really likes you. She doesn't really like people"

You said looking down at her with a surprised and happy face.

"Really... Whys that"

He asked curiously wondering why such a nice kitty wouldn't like people aside from Y/n.

"Oh she's just protective of me. It's always been me and her by are selves...always"

You responded to the question looking down at coco petting her as you had a small sad smile. Shinso's face turned into a concerned face after saying that and you noticed it. Not wanting to be asked questions you quickly changed topics.

"Anyway let's head to school"

You said as you started to walk. You stopped because shinso wasn't moving.

"Well come on"

You said as you resumed walking to school. After a couple of seconds you heard him catch up with you and was now next to you as you both walked.

"Your not going to fly"

He said making you stop.

"Oh your right I forgot my broom"

You said with a pondering face

"Do we need to go back to get it"

He asked as he to had stopped walking

"No need I can just call it"

You said leaving shinso once again confused on what you were talking about. You just snapped your fingers and started walking again as Y/n snapped her fingers, you can hear the distance, something coming towards the 2 of you and soon enough when she raised her hand her broom immediately fell in place in her hand at high speeds.

"Let's gets school like we normally do"

now all he could think about was how amazing you were and how lucky he was too have you as his girlfriend.

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