Chapter 5

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You woke up with a surprisingly good feeling about today. As you began your daily routine with that good feeling I your soul.

As you left your house ready for a relaxing day because it was Saturday you suddenly though of shinso and how you to went to the cafe together. The thought of you to doing that again made you blush. Why we're you thinking about that? And why we're you blushing? You've never been one to have emotions for anything so that didn't leave much feelings for relationships ethier.

Wait what were you and shinso it's not like you to were dating-

You quickly stopped that thought. Shaking your head. You must have been lost In thought because you suddenly feel a hand on your shoulder and because of the training your family made you go through as a kid as so as the hand touch you your training instincts kick in as you quickly turn around and punch them square in the face. Your face was focused and relaxed when you striked them but when you realized it was non other than a shinso with a bloody nose looking like he's about to pass out. You blush uncontrollable as you realized what you just did.

But you shaped out of it when shinso started to rock back and forth as he was about to pass out.

'Did I really hit him that hard!?!' You thought to yourself(yes you did) as he slowly started to fall you would have caught him easily do to the muscle you've build up but because of how embarrassed you were because of your actions you to started to wabble and eventually fall.

When you came to you were still at the front of your house. As you tried to get up but there was something on you when looked down to see what it was you saw shinso on top of you with him in between you legs and his head in between your (large) boobs.

You blushed so bad you were pretty much a tomato now but what really made you blush was the fact that you didnt mind it. You kind of liked him on you 😏.You were snapped out of it though when you heard voices. Crap it was your nabors you had to get you and shinso out of here but how? You suddenly got it. You would  teleport. You thought of your room and when you teleported you were on your bed with shinso still on top of you.

You were relived that you got out of that situation but still in another one. Shinso began to wrap his arms around you holding on to you snuggling into your boobs as he begins to call your name in his sleep.

... Y.. /n

... Y/n

Y... /n

He would say over and over like a broken record. You blushed even more (if that's possible) but then you smiled liking the fact that he was thinking of you even if he was sleeping. You decided to sleep due to the fact that you were getting comfortable and you were still a little tired.

As the both of you rested with only thoughts  of eachother

A/n (Authors note)

I've decided to make my storys only around 500 words instead of around a 1000 so I can upload faster and not spend so much time on them. Hope you liked (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و

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