Chapter 3

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Shinso POV

As I begin to open my eyes I'm hit with the bright sun in my face as I was about to sit up only to be held down by two arms around my head as one slowly looked up to see a girl with (H/c) hair and suddenly memories come back as I realize I'm still in between her boobs. I blush in surprise then she started to stir because of my movement. As she opened her big beautiful eyes she looked down at me as she opened her mouth

"Hello glad to see you look a little better but your still a little pink nevertheless we best be getting back to class we only have 5 more minutes of lunch"

She suddenly said which surprised me I thought for sure we slept thought some class because I've never felt so relaxed after a nap. Was it her? Is she the reason I feel like I have so much more energy. As she slowly let me go as I backed away slightly missing her worth but keeping my distance as she stood up and held a hand out to me. I took her hand as we walked back to class.

I was about to say something but then I realized I didn't have her name

"H-hey what's your name"

As she looked back at me


She said simply


I replied still amazed by this girl

"Well see you around... Shinso"

She said making me blush at the fact that she just said my name as she walked back to her class and I walked back to mine.

~Time Skip~


As class ended I walked out of school with coco by your side as you grabbed your broom and as you were about to take off you heard someone yelling.

"I know I had it on me. We're could it be"

You turned your head and saw shinso frantically looking through his bag. you turned and walked towards him as you stopped right next to him

"What are you looking for"

you said, catching them by surprise, he looked at you and blushed

"ah, I forgot my keys for my house, I know there are my bag."

He said as he looked back down at his bag than up to you.

"I see I can find them for you" You said

"how do you plan to do that" He asked looking at you as you held your hand up

"Just watch"

You said as your whole body glowed a F/c color and your hair began to slightly float. He looked at you in amazement and awe as key slowly floated through a window of a class room to your hand.

"Are these your keys" you said, holding up his keys

"yes, how did you do that miss it your quirk"

he asked, looking at you

"yes, I also have a mind quirk of telekinesis teleportation along with super strength, high durability, super intelligence, etc. Anything you can think of with the ability of my mind"

You said, leaving his jaw completely on the floor

"That's incredible, no wonder someone like you got in to class 1-A"

He said looking at you with amazement

"By the way, Shinso do you have a ride to get home"

You asked

"Uh no I just walk why?"

He asked

"I can give you a ride if you want"

You offered

"No I couldn't I don't want to cause you or you parents trouble"

" It's not trouble at all for my parents because I give my self a ride and I don't mind "

You said

" I mean, if you really don't mind, I'd appreciate it by the way where's the car "

He said sence we were at the entrance of the school

" right here though it's not your typical vehicle "

You said holding up your broom as he looked at with great confusion he than pointed at it

"No that's a broom"

He said looking at you wondering what you were thinking

"Yes but it's also my ride"

You said as you hoped on the broom and activated your quirk as you began to float making him look up at you with disbelief.

"Like I said not your typical vehicle. Now do you still want a ride"

You said holding your hand out to him as he looked at you than your hand and hesitantly took it and you pulled him up to sit on the broom behind you. You then grab his hand and wrap them around you

"Hang on"

You said as you both begin to fly he gave you instructions on how to get to his house as you made it there you realized that his house was down the street from yours

"Hey shinso our houses are close to each other, see if that's mine"

You said pointing to your house as you both were still in the air. You lowered the broom so shinso could get off as you were still levitating.

"Goodbye Y/n and thanks for the ride" He said

" No problem we live on the set street so if you ever need another ride just ask" You said blankly

"Ok will do have a good night" He said

"Yeah you to"

You said as you floated of to your house. As you made it home you open the door and headed to your room and got ready for bed. Coco jumped out of your school bag and layed with you on the bed

"Good night coco"

You said as she meowed in response and you both let the darkness consume you both as you drifted to slumber.

Shinso x Reader (The power of the minds) [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now