The Collision

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You wake up and you check your phone. Your mom had texted and called you while you were sleeping.  "I guess she forgot about the time difference" you say with a sigh. "Did you get there in one piece?" "Ash?" "Honey, are you ok?" "I'm just gonna call you." She needs to chill, I thought to myself. You call your mom to get her to calm down and reminded her of the time difference. She said that she had remembered that after the fifth time she had called. You hang up after 20 minutes of talking to her and decide to go on a run. U get dressed in a tank top and shorts and leave your apartment. You get in your car and drive to a cute little park near your home. You pop in your headphones and start to run. About 5 minutes go by and your mind starts to wonder. You "wake up" as you are about to run into someone. "Oh, sh*t," you think a split second before the collision. You both yell, "F*ck!" at the same time as you both fall. The man that you ran into immediately gets up and says, " OMG are you ok?" You are a little stunned but you manage a little, "I'm ok." He helps you up and says, "Hi I'm Caleb. I'm really sorry." in a cute Australian accent. "It wasn't your fault. I wasn't looking where I was going and I'm the one who should be sorry. Also, my name is Ash" I am so awkward. "Oh, you're American. How long have you lived here, if you don't mind me asking?" I had just noticed how hot he was when asked that and I started to stammer. "You don't have to tell if you don't want to. I get it. We just met." he said sweetly. "No. Sorry, I am really awkward when it comes to new people. I actually just got here yesterday." I say, shyly. "Oh really. Well If you want, I can show you around. I have to make a, i mean, go to work now but I am free tomorrow" he says. "Sure, I guess. Why the hell not." We then exchange numbers. For some reason, he put his full name in the contact. "Caleb Finn". I said goodbye and decided just to drive home. I unlock my door and just lay on my bed. I decided to look him up on Instagram to if he had it and I was stunned. He had 605k on Instagram. Why the hell did he not tell me that he was lowkey famous? My phone started to buzz. It was Caleb. He said, "Hey you should send me your address so that I can pick you up tomorrow," "ok my address is (address)" "ok thx" he says. I decide to take a nap because talking to Caleb is exhausting for some reason lol.

hey this is my first fanfic ever so please don't be too harsh. AAlso in the chapter it will be like 3 hours later so yea byeeeee :)

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