Untitled Part 8

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5 hours later

Caleb's POV teehee ;)

Ash is so great. I feel like she can really be a close friend of mine. She is so nice and I just feel really bad that something like that (with her ex) could happen to anyone, let alone her. She doesn't deserve anything like that. When we got home, we just chilled on the couch. "Guess what." I say to her. "whats up?" she says. "I'm moving. To a house to myself." I say. I am really excited for this. She looked at me. she looked confused. "Don't you already live alone?" She looks at me like I've gone insane. "Oh yea. You haven't met him yet. I have a roommate called Charr. Well soon to be 'ex-roommate'. He is moving back home to his family. He is really chill. I have known him since the beginning of school." I had completely forgot to tell her that Charr lived here as well but he is basically moved out so that's probably why we haven't seen him. "What time do you want to go home?" I asked her cause I didn't know if she needed to do anything today or tomorrow. "Well I have to find a job but I can stay a little longer if you want." she says. "Yea I would love that and if you want, I can help you with your job hunt. Wait, I just had an idea." I say really excited. "What is it? Oh, yea I would love that. Wait, what's you idea?" she asks. "You can do social media and twitch." I say, still very excited. "I could but I still need to find a job in case it doesn't work and I become homeless. I can't rely on my mommy's money forever." She covered her mouth quickly. "What's wrong?" I ask her. Is her mom rich? I don't know but I think it might embarrass her so I won't ask her about it. "Oh nothing. Where is you computer?" She says, chuckling nervously. I point to a room. "You've been there before, remember?" I smile at her. She must be very tired. "Oh. Sorry, I am kinda tired from last night." I look over at her and say "do you just want to sleep and job hunt tomorrow?" She looked over and sighs. "I kinda do, yea. Do you want to finally see my apartment since I have been at your place basically since I moved here. And you can spend the night, if you want. I have an extra room." I just laugh. "Sure." is all I say and I turn around and go to my room to get clothes and my laptop. "Ready for the sleepover?" She says laughing. "Yup. I even brought my favorite jammies." We both laugh then she just stands there. "What's wrong?" "is it weird that I consider you my best friend even though we just met?" I just look at her. First shocked, then I just smile. "Nope, not at all. We have connected and bonded over the last two days. We are practically inseparable." I laugh. "We literally are spending the night with each other again and we have both shared secrets with each other that are, I guess, reserved for best friends. So, yes. I do believe that we are best friends." she smiles. "Do you want to walk or drive?" I ask. "Walk." She says. We  start to walk to her house. As we walk, I start to think about a lot of things, since we were walking silently.  "Does she even like me?" I think then sigh. "Even if she did, I would never rush into a relationship. Plus I don't want to do anything like that until she is ready because of her ex and all." We get to her house and I ask where the spare is. She pointed to the hall. "down the hall, first door on your left." she says. "k thanks." I say and get to the room and open the door and gasp. This is the best room EVER. It's like she decorated it just for me. There were posters of Legends of Zelda everywhere and the sheets and blankets are MARIO KART. Plus there was Minecraft plushies and Minecraft torches everywhere and  and there is a gaming computer in here. I put my stuff down and come into the kitchen where she was. She turned around and said,  " Do you like the room? I didn't know if you would like it that's why I hesitated when I suggested it." I just look at her and said, "I love it! It is literally all my favorite things in one room." I smile at here. "I was wondering if I can use the computer in the room tonite?" I ask her. "Sure. The password is 'conversegirl'." She says. "thanks." I say "Whatcha doin?" I ask. She looks over at me and says, "I'm making a late night dinner type thing." I smile and say, "Ooh, a friend that cooks. She is a keeper." we both laugh. "what's cookin, Chef Ash?" I ask, still laughing. "I'm making my famous clam chowder." "oooh yay!" I say, I love clam chowder. "How long until it's done?" I ask eagerly. "Hmmm, about 15 minutes." She says. "k I'll be back." I say and run to "my" room. I grab my phone off the charger and begin making a tiktok. I guess it took longer than I thought it would to make the tiktok because Ash walked in and asked if I wanted dinner. I said sure and we went to the kitchen and I look around and realize that there is no dining room table. "where are we gonna eat?" I ask. "Oh right, your not accustom to my nightly traditions. So I have these tv trays and I go over to the couch and pick a movie to watch and I do this every night. Sometimes I watch more than one movie or I watch anime."  Oh my god, she watches anime. Ok it's decided. She is perfect. "what do you want to watch?" she asks me. "ANIME!" I practically scream. "Ok anime it is. But I am picking the anime. Since we are eating food, I think it's only fitting we watch 'food wars'."  "I don't think I have seen that one."  "Good now sit down, eat, and watch some anime." 

So I thought this posted yesterday but I guess not, sorry for that. Also sorry I haven't posted in like forever. k byeeee

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