The Morning After

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I wake up at 8 and I look over at Caleb. I just smile at him. I get up and walk into the kitchen. I make some pancakes and bacon. While I was making the pancakes, I was reading somewhere that Caleb really likes orange juice, so I look in the fridge and see 2 big jugs of it. "Well that's true," I say. I got one jug out of the fridge and pour two glasses and set them on the table next to the plates. I walk into the room and see him still asleep. He must be really tired. Makes sense. I practically kept him up all night. So I go over and sit on the bed and shake him a little to wake him up. His eyes flutter open. "Goodmorning," I say cheerily. His eyes came open immediately. "Is that bacon?" He squeals. "Yup. and pancakes." "YAY!" He gets out of bed and runs into the kitchen. He turns around and picks me up and hugs me. "Your the best." He must not be used to this. We go sit down and start to eat. "How did you know to get me orange juice?" He asks. "2 things. One, There is 2 jugs in the fridge and two, I did some 'research' to see what kind of foods you liked." I say, smiling. We talk for a little bit and then he gasps. "Sh*t! I need to stream." "Ok well, I can clean up you go set up and stuff," I say, hurrying him. "You don't have to clean. Just put the dishes in the sink and I will clean them when I am done with my stream." He thanks me for the meal and runs into the streaming room to set up. I don't care if he says not to clean. I am gonna clean. I can't stand when there are dishes in the sink. So I clean up and go into his bedroom to get dressed. I get my pants on and look in his closet for a hoodie. I pick this really cute orange one. I go up to the door of the room that he was streaming in and just listened. Then I texted him.
Me: Can I come in. It feels weird to roam your house by myself
Caleb: sure
I then open the door and sit on the couch behind the green screen. I can hear him talking to his fans. Then there was a donation. I hear him say "wiggles with the 5" and this person asked who opened the door and came into his room. I froze. He stammered a little. Then I feel my phone vibrate.
Caleb: Do you want to introduce yourself?
Me: Sure ig
Then Caleb stood up and pull down the green screen and said "Wiggles, You asked who came into the room? So, this is Ash. My new best friend." I just sat there and waved. I don't know what to do so I just say, "Hi." Then he closes the green screen and whispered in my ear. "do you wanna stream with me?" "Um. sure." So we both get up and in front of the green screen and he says,"So Ash will be streaming with us for the rest of the time." "Yup. What are we playing?" I ask. Very nervous because there were a lot of people watching. "Welcome to the game 2. Wanna play?" I see what he is doing. He doesn't want to play so he is trying to trick me into playing for him. "Nope, I'm good. I have played this before." I smirk at him. "You can't fool me." He just looked at me and laughed. "God damn it. You are a video game smartie." There was someone that had followed me on Instagram named Yagi who donated and she said "hey I follow her on instagram. Caleb, I approve." Then we both froze. "We aren't dating." He clarified. I could see everyone in the chat saying "ooh I ship it" and it's cute but I cannot get into a relationship right now. I think he saw the expression on my face and said, "Yea she just moved to Australia actually and she was on a run at the park and we bumped into one another and yea." he smiled at me. I can tell people were taking this out of context but whatever. "Can we get back to the game? I wanna get spooked." I say, with a fake smile. "yea sure." So we play for another hour and we say goodbye to the people. As we were streaming, I could here my phone going off like mad. I didn't know why though. When he stopped the stream I got up and looked at my phone. I sat on the couch and just stared at my phone. "Did you have fun?" he asks. I don't answer. He looks over at me. I start to cry. He comes over and looks at my phone. I went from 200 followers on instagram to over 900 followers in an hour. "what happened?" I say in shock. "I guess they found your instagram." he says. I look over at him and say, "I guess so." "well, I am gonna go get dressed. You will be ok, right?" He says. "Yup. what time is the appointment?" I ask. "12pm" He walks into his room and I just sit there for a second then I go into the bathroom and do my makeup a little. Not a lot and go outside and take a video for instagram and say, "for everyone from Calebs stream, thank you so much for following me. It means a lot." then I do a cute smile, end the video, and post it on my story. I go back inside and see Caleb on the couch watching my insta video. "This is cute. Ready to go?" he asks. "The appointment isn't until 12. It's 11:10. Where are we gonna go?" I say. "Food." is all he says and grabs his keys and we get in the car. "Where are we eating at?" I ask. "Where do you want to eat." He asks. "I could go for some tacos." I say. I don't know if he likes tacos or not. "Sure. I love tacos." Good. He likes tacos. We go get really good tacos and we were running late after but it was ok because the tattoo place was across the street from the taco place. We walk into the place and I quess that they had just opened because there is no one there other than one worker. "Are you ready?" is all she says. "Sure." I say as I sit in the chair. She puts two piercings on the tray. "I see that you went with the snake bites." I say laughing. "Yup. You nervous?" He asks. "Kinda, but not really. I got my nose pierced when I was 16 but I think this won't hurt as bad, but I don't know." I am kinda nervous. "Why did you take out your nose ring?" he asked. "Because I did it illegally and my dad made me take it out. He thought it was too 'provocative'. I don't know. I thought it was really cute." "Wow, were you a 'rebel'?" he asks, laughing at me. I chuckle a little. "Kinda. But my dad made me change after a while. He hated the way I looked. It embarrassed him somehow." I sigh. "Well at least you are not there right now and you can do whatever you want." He smiled. She sterilized where the piercing was going under my lips and counts down. "3, 2, 1." then she pushes in the on the piercing and I just laugh "that was easy enough." I say. then she does it again. "All done." She says. "thank you." both Caleb and I say as I pay and leave. "What do you want to do now?" I ask. " I don't know but I just wanted you to know that you look badass." he says. "thanks." I say, blushing. "Wanna go on a tour of the town?" he asks me "You know since that was what I was gonna do when we met." I just laugh. "Sure. Lead the way, tour guide."

So I am not going to do the "tour" in a chapter because I live in the United States and I have no idea what is in Australia other than zoos and stuff so yeah. I didn't post a lot near the end of the week mostly because I was busy but also I honestly forgot. sorry about that. Also,  sorry for the weird titles, I am not very creative with stuff like that. my insta is @chilibean0204 if you want to follow me that's ok too. I am thinking about making a youtube channel, I don't know of what yet but it might be of me reading my own and other fanfics. Yea. sorry again for the delay on the post :)
Byeeeeee :)

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