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I look over at her waiting for a response. She looks shocked, maybe from the second kiss or the question, I'm not sure. Maybe she was thinking about her answer. That scared me that she didn't know her answer. Then her expression changed. It was a pleasant look so I felt a little better. I never do things out of impulse like this so I was surprised when I blurted out what I did. She looks over at me with the same expression as before. "Yes" is all she says and she hugs me really tight. I hug back. We then proceed to softly embrace for several minutes. Then I pull away. "I'm so happy that didn't flop like I thought it would," I say. She then looks at me and says, "Why would I reject you? I kissed you first." oh yeah. She did. So then I just smile. We continue eating our food. We already sorta act like a couple anyways. We literally went on a sort of date yesterday and the day before that. But I guess I wanted the satisfaction of hearing her say yes. I don't know but it is official and I like that fact. We finished our movie and I had a question for her. "Do you wanna go now?" I say. "Sure do I have to change for where we are going?" she asked. "Nope." And we head over to my house because I left all my things like my wallet and keys. We were already holding hands. I love this feeling. We got to my house and I go in to get my stuff. I walk out and Ash is gone. Did she have an emergency and have to go? I don't know but I walk out a little to see if she was in the car already. "BOO!" She screams at me. "AHHHHHHHHHH!! You scared the crap out of me." "hehe. Shall we go?" is all she says as my heart is beating out of my chest. "Hold on. I need a minute to recover from that scare." I say. "Ok. I'll be in the car. Also, I thought that you are used to jumpscares from your video game experience. Guess not." She smiles and gets in the car. I just stand there amazed that I found someone as amazing as her. I get in the car and start it. "Where are we going?" she asks. "that is for me to know and for you to find out." I start to drive. I know exactly where we are going. We are going to Brother Baba Budan. The best coffee in the world. Also, I know that she hasn't been there because she has basically been with me her whole time she has been here. So I am really excited to see her reaction. We get there and she looks confused. "We already had breakfast." she says. "this is not breakfast. It's coffee. Also, you need to try it. It's been voted the best coffee in the world." We get out of the car and sit down at a table and look at the menu. I order a peppermint mocha and she orders the same. It comes out and the coffee art is really pretty as usual. "Oh my god, it is so pretty," she says in excited. "Yeah. It's almost don't want to drink it because it's so pretty. Aghhhhh!" Then she just takes a drink and I just laugh. She is so cute. Then I take a drink. I was sad that I ruined the masterpiece but it was still really good, so I didn't complain. She is really enjoying herself. So am I. We finish our coffees and throughout the first part of the date, I think about the second part and the third. We finish. I pay. We get in the car once more. "That was fun." She says. "Oh, we aren't done," I say. Then I start to drive. We arrive at the City Basement Books. I bought her a book and it was about noonish. I was getting hungry and I heard her saying that she was hungry so I decided that we were going to have our last part of our date. It's not fancy but we go to Windsor deli because its good. I don't know I'm not a fancy guy so I don't like fancy restaurants. I feel weird in them. We have a sandwich then get into my car. "I have a question," I said to Ash. "I may have an answer." She says. "Will you be my girlfriend? I know that it's early but I really like you and I really think that we could be more than what we are now. 'friends' 'dating'. We have literally been acting like a couple ever since we met. So what do you think?" "I get that we met just a few days ago but we also have a connection super strong that if we don't work out (which won't happen) we could go back to being to being best friends like we were before." She says. "Well is that a yes?" I say. I cross my fingers. Please be yes. Please be yes. "Yes!" She kissed me. I kiss back. We proceed to hug for a bit. She lets go and so do I. "So you are my girlfriend. Sorry I just had to say that out loud. I still can't believe it." I say to Ash. "Well believe it buddy. You can't get rid of me now." She says to me and kisses my cheek. I start to drive, smiling the entire time.

Sup people. So I know that I have not been posting in like 2 months and that is because I started public school and I now have like no time to start and I am very sorry about that. anyway, I am going to try to post as much as possible but nothing for certain. bye

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2020 ⏰

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