The Start of a Great Relationship

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We get our tickets and run inside. I am so cheery for some reason. "Where do you want to go first?" he said, laughing at me. "I don't care. Lead the way." I say. He smiles and grabs my hand and we begin to run somewhere. We stop after like a minute of running, his smile got even wider. "OMG!" I say, realizing we had stopped at the koalas. "So, do you want to pet one?" he said. "OMG, yes." I pull out my wallet to pay the fee, when he stopped me. "What are you doing?" I say confused. "Your not paying for this. I brought you here and I am going to pay." I try to resist but he kept insisting. "Ok fine but I get to pay for dinner." I say. "No promises." He says with a smile. Ok I just met this dude this morning. Why is he being so nice to me? He pays and I held and played with koala. When we were done, I stopped him and said, "Why are you being so nice to me? You don't even know me." He looks me in the eyes and says,"I know but I want to. You showed me in the car that you are an actual person and that I can trust you. I'm sorry if I am rushing our friendship but I just fell like you can be one of my best friends that's all." I just stand there. He looks at me, waiting for a response. Next thing I know, I am hugging him. He froze for a second but then I guess he realized what was happening then he hugged me back. and we just stood there for a while. Then I opened my eyes and I realized that we were getting stares and I backed off. "Should we walk more?" He asked. "We should." I say, smiling at him. 

An hour goes by (sorry I'm lazy lol)

We are walking to the car and it looks like it is getting dark. We get to the car and we both say "what do you want for dinner?" We then start laughing hysterically. Then I said, "I don't care." "Do you want Maccas?" He says. I give a confused face," What is 'Maccas'"  He laughs, "I forgot. You're American. It's McDonald's but we Aussies call it Maccas" I laugh too, "Oh, sure I love 'Maccas'" we both laugh as he starts to drive. It was silent for the first couple of minutes. Then I spoke, " I have a question." He looks over, "Whats up?" I hesitate for a minute. "C-can you take me to get a piercing tomorrow?" He looks shocked. Then he smiled. "Of course. If you want you can spend the night at my house and we can go tomorrow after my live stream." I look over at him in awe. "ok, but I don't have any clothes." "You can borrow a shirt or hoodie from me and my sister leaves her clothes at my house so that when she comes to visit she doesn't have to bring clothes so you can borrow some pants from her." he says. "ok." We get to McDonald's and he orders a big mac and I order a chicken wrap we eat are food and we leave. When we get to his house, he opens the door and he takes me to his stream/recording room. We sit down on his couch and he says, "wanna play Minecraft?" I say "sure. I'd love to." and we start to play. We sat there for hours. We began with a brand new world and then when we realize the time we had already built a little cottage thing to live in and we had already found tons of diamonds. Then I remembered something. "Hey, um, sorry but I need to call my mom. She made me promise to call her tonight." He looked over and said, "Sure. I'll just be in here." "ok" I walk out of the room and facetime my mom. 

Me: Hey mom

Mom: Hi sweetie how was your day.

Me: Good. I met someone today.

Mom: A cute someone or a friend someone?

Me: A both someone

we both laugh super hard and then she stopped.

Mom: Is that him right there?

I look over my shoulder to see him at the door way, listening to our conversation. Just standing there and smiling. My face went red. I wonder how much he heard.

Me: Yes. Mom, This is Caleb, Caleb this is mom.

Caleb: Hi Mom.

Mom: Hi Caleb. My daughter has failed to mention my name so I will just tell you. I'm Lisa.

Caleb: Hi Lisa. It's nice to meet you.

Mom: Well I have to go your father is calling me so bye. I love you.

Me: Love you, too

[end call]

 "So how much of that did you hear?" I say, a little nervous. "why did you say something about me?" He said while smiling. "Anyways, where am I sleeping?" I said this to try and change the subject. He just laughed. "Well, I hadn't thought that out." "I could sleep in your room on the ground or the couch or something."  I say. "I would never do that to someone. Lets think. You can sleep in my bed?" He said, as a question for some reason. "um, sure." I choked. We walk to his room and say "I don't have a shirt to sleep in." So apparently the logical thing to do in this situation was for him to take off his shirt and give it to me instead of giving me a fresh shirt.             "t-thanks..." before he could answer, I rush to the bathroom to change. I can hear him chuckling in the other room. I knock on the door to ask if he was done and I didn't hear anything, so I opened the door and walked out of he room into the living room. He was making a tiktok  and didn't realize that I was there so I didn't say anything. I just sat there admiring him. So when he was done, I hid and I pretended to walk out again so it didn't look like I was watching him. I sat next to him and just sat in silence. It was a nice silence. Sadly, He broke that silence. "I heard what you said about me." I froze. "Uhh. what did I say?" He laughed a little. "You called me cute." I am a tomato red at this point. "well you are nice to look at." Of course that is something I would say. I am so awkward.  He just laughed and I just sat there, yelling at myself in my brain for being so awkward. "anyways so I made an appointment for you at this really great tattoo and piercing place. the same place I got mine done." I look up, a little less awkward feeling. "I just need to know what you want to get pierced so that I can text the lady doing it." I just sat there thinking. I don't know what I want to get pierced. I just said that in the spur of the moment to see if it would interest him. "What do you think that I should get?" I said. "Well, personally I think that snake bites would look cute on you. Or maybe just one, like me." Then he smiled, showing me his lip piercing. "Surprise me." I say. I feel like I am going to regret that. "Ok, I will text her right now." He looks at his phone and texts her. I personally wasn't paying attention. I was on YouTube. He then looks up. "Were you watching me while I was making my tiktok video?" I look up immediately. "What?" I am scared that he is mad at me. "People are saying that there is a girl behind me watching me do the tiktok." he says. "I am sorry. I had never seen someone make an actually good tiktok before. I have seen my friends make them before but they were not great." I lied, saying that with my head down so that I can't see if he was mad because I can't take that. "I'm not mad at you. It's just that I was making sure it was you and not someone trying to kill me." He says. "Has that happened before." "nope but it could" he says. I finally look up and he is smiling and looking at me sweetly. I just hug him. Why I keep rushing into hugs, I will never know. I then back off and say, "I am tired." ok we can go to bed." we walked to his room and lay in bed. It was awkward but I finally fell asleep. 

sorry I didn't post yesterday I was really busy so here is an extra long one just because I felt bad. I noticed that I changed from saying "She did this" to "I did this" so I'm sorry for that but i am just gonna stick with the "I did this" version just because I wanted to. Byeeeee

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