Part one

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Hello, dear Downton fandom and especially fellow Chelsie shippers! This is my first attempt in writing Downton fanfiction, but the new movie inspired me to rewatch the whole series and made me remember just how much I adore the relationship of Mr Carson and Mrs Hughes. So I thought why not give it a try and write something for them. My plan is to write around ten parts, but the next ones will be longer than this one, this is just meant as a first little beginning to see if there is interest in me continuing this story at all. The start is not very good, I'm afraid, but I believe it will get better when I get used to the characters...or so I hope.

Do you remember when Mr Carson was ill and Mrs Hughes had to look after him? I thought it would be nice to turn the scenario around! Later on, I want to include the idea of "investing in a property together", perhaps combine it with the proposal scene, we'll see, but that's what goes through my head at the moment.

I'd be sooo grateful if you could take a second to leave a review if anyone should be interested in a continuation!


"Has anyone seen Mrs Hughes this morning?"

Charles Carson, Butler of Downton Abbey, asked into the room where the Bates, Mr Molesley and Miss Baxter were sitting at the table, finishing last preparations before breakfast.

"She's still in her room, Mr Carson", Miss Baxter replied as she looked up from the stitching she was occupied with. "She looked a bit tired when I saw her this morning and I suggested she should go back to bed in case she wasn't feeling well."

"Not feeling well?", Mr Carson repeated surprised. Mrs Hughes was never missing work if she was able to avoid it, but surely, it couldn't be anything serious, could it?
"Do you mean she's sick?"

"Only a cold, I'd say, Mr Carson", Miss Baxter replied compassionately as if she was able to read his thoughts. "She said she felt a bit feverish overnight."

"Perhaps the flu, but I'm sure it's nothing worse than that", Anna agreed from the other side of the table. "I can take over her work as long as she recovers", she offered friendly, willing to help as always.

"Yes, thank you, Anna, that would be most welcome. And I'm sure you're right that it's nothing serious. But nonetheless...I think I might go up and take a look at her myself", Mr Carson considered, speaking more to himself. He couldn't deny that he was worried about her, despite the two women's kind words.

"I'm sure she will appreciate that", Anna said before she turned back to the jewelery she was polishing, smiling in a way Mr Carson found slightly peculiar. She had only made a nice remark, and still, it startled him. What was that supposed to mean? Of course, as head of staff, he was obliged to worry about the well being of his household. He was only doing his duty if he went to look after her, didn't he? A bit puzzled, Carson left the room to find Thomas in the hallway, a sight that cleared his thoughts.

"Barrow", he called when he came to stand just in front of the kitchen.

"Yes, Mr Carson?"

"We're not expecting any guest today, are we?", he enquired although he was sure they weren't unless someone had been announced in last minute.

"Not that I was aware of, Mr Carson", Thomas confirmed his assumption.

"Good. That's good...I think you should lead the organization of today's supper", Carson told him then. "We have the best possible circumstances, only the family, nothing overly grand, it will be quite an ordinary day, so the house should be safe in your capable hands?" He raised his eyebrows expectingly.

"Of course, Mr Carson", Thomas assured, smiling a bit too satisfied for Carson's liking. "Thank you."

"You're the underbutler, Mr Barrow", he stated reasonably. "You should get used to taking more responsibility. And I'm sure I'll find everything to be on our highest standards."

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