Part eight

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Okay, okay, okay. Listen. I have my first day at University tomorrow and don't know how much time I'll find to write, so I definitely wanted to give you another chapter today, even though I updated yesterday. So I wrote like..the whole day (apart from paying my horse a visit), I even forgot to fold the socks - uuuupsi. Hope it was worth it.

I found this very very difficult and have literally NO idea how it turned out, so please - I know I always ask for comments, but I really wanna know your opinion here.
Alright then, here we go.


The evening went by, they talked about this and that, all harmless subjects, both eager to stay in safe territory and unaware that the other was leading the conversation the same way. They started with tea, one cup, two. At some point, they had moved on to wine in Mr Carson's pantry. He had to test it anyway for a dinner the family would give this weekend, so he thought it a good opportunity. It was only half a glass each, not nearly enough to have a significant effect, but still, their tongues seemed to become lighter as the hour went by, the two adults more at ease and the conversation more carefree.

"I know I said it before, but I'm really glad you're back", Mr Carson sighed at one point, putting his empty glass aside when the world outside had almost completely darkened.

"It's only been two days, Mr Carson", Mrs Hughes said teasingly, but the fond smile on her lips gave her away. "Two days during which we even saw each other more than usual, if I might be so bold to point that out." She bit on her lip as she saw the Butler lowering his gaze and blushing slightly.

"I know, I know...", he said to the hands in his lap, "It's just that we are a good team, you and I. Working together, I mean", he added quickly, looking back up.

"I believe we are", she confirmed and thought to notice how he immediately sat a little more upright at her words. "But as it seems, I'll have to get used to getting along without you, won't I?", she then dared to say with a little sad smile and his content expression disappeared as well, his brow furrowing instead.
"All this talking about marriage and retirement...", Mrs Hughes went on explanatory, "I know you said it was of no immediate consideration but...if you don't mind me asking, what are you planning to do after you retire? Have you any ideas about the hows and wheres?"

"I have indeed", Mr Carson nodded. "Settling on the estate, as you can surely imagine. A cottage, perhaps", he told her and continued with an almost abashed look, "I hope you're not disappointed. Those prospects aren't very adventurous, I'm afraid."

"Not at all", Mrs Hughes quickly contradicted him truthfully. "Quite the contrary", she assured, "I'm glad to hear you intend to stay." It couldn't hurt to confess that, could it?

"Don't say you're going to miss me", he mumbled quietly.

"I will, Mr Carson", she said without hesitation or reserve, "very much so and it costs me nothing to admit it." She received a smile she considered to be genuinely happy, so she was just as glad to return it. Despite everything she might have to accept would never be between them, they still had a good and solid relationship, a friendship.
"I hoped that you wouldn't go far away so one can see each other from time to time", she told him truthfully, an amused smile spreading across her face when she went on, "but I thought you might have enough of us after all these years in the same place with the same people."

"A place that is my home, Mrs Hughes. And people that are my family, my friends", Mr Carson replied seriously. "I shall hope they won't be desperate to get rid of me as soon as possible", he added, only half-joking, but she shook her head with a smile.

"Oh, of course not", she assured him. "You're very much esteemed by everyone here."

"Esteemed, yes", he granted with a sigh, "but know, it can't be more than that. I'm still the head of the household. It's...different for me", he explained with a hint of sadness she might not have been able to make out if she didn't know him such a long time.

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