Stuck in the middle (P.o.v)

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It's been three months since all of this happened Michael had stayed by me through all of this .
"what do you want for tea"
"I'm not hungry"
"come on you've got to eat something "
"I said I'm not hungry"
Michael has been so kind to me but all I seem to do is throw it back in his fave I don't know why he hasn't left me .
" Michael , why haven't you left me yet"
Michael looked up at you .
" I haven't left you because your'll probably do something stupid , I like you "
"Do you really mean that"
You just blushed .

You went asleep early that , not expecting to wake back up at 1am .
You thought this could had been your chance to end your life like you wanted to , so you got up and walked into the bathroom and pull outs some pills , you poured your self a class of water and went back into your room .
You started to take some and then tipped the rest of the jar into your hand then you took them .
You started to fall asleep...
Then all at once...

Michael woke up and walked into your room , he tried to wake you up but he was too late ...
Tears ran down Michaels face he suddenly phones Calum, ash and Luke
"She's dead" Michael screams down the phone crying.
you felt like you shouldn't had done it looking down on Michael seeing what a sate you left him in .

1 week later ....

It's was the day of my funeral , Michael wasn't prepared we was just a wreck seeing ashton and all the boys crying broke me but seeing Calum and Luke cry gave me joy because I hoped that they had seen what they have done to their friends and to my family .
It was time for Michael to get up and say something
"I'm not going to make through the speech with out a single tear "
As Michael says brushing his hair out of his face
"Y/n I loved you I was there for you and I help you through those ruff few months ,we have been friends for year but I thought we had more years to spend together but I obviously planned my future to fast , you went to quick .to quick for a beautitful intelligent girl "
He starts to cry as ashton rushes up as Michael falls against the centre piece
"I hope you happy up there I'll see you soon"
Michael goes of the stage crying his eyes out .

After the funeral Calum walked up to Michael to say sorry
"Michael ..."
Michael interrupted Calum
"Just save it you killed one of closer friends hope you happy "
Michael walks of and get into his car and drives home .
Once he got home he put on the telly got a beer out and sat there and watch your favourite program. he heard a knock on the door as he opened the door
"Fuck off Calum I don't want hear it "
But it wasn't Calum ....

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2014 ⏰

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