Dream Busters

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Summary: Missing scene from "Dream Busters". Ray feels guilty and just wants his friend (cough*son*cough) to be okay.

Warning: one swearword

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Ray never should have taken Henry to recapture Dr. Minyak. Or he should at least have left him in the van. But no, he'd given in to Henry's puppy dog eyes and had taken the boy with him. How stupid could he have been? Dammit, Ray, you're supposed to be the adult. The indestructible superhero that looks out for his loyal - and very destructible - sidekick. Instead, you got him hurt. Ray kicked the round couch and yelled in frustration as the images of their fight kept replaying in his head.

"It's over!" Henry called out from where they were standing opposite of Minyak. They'd figured he would be heading to his lair and had managed to cut him off before he got to the main part of his hideout. The doctor was glaring at them from across the room.

"You really think so?" he asked with his annoying British accent, a smirk creeping onto his face. Then, all of a sudden, he pulled a weapon from behind his back. Ray hadn't even noticed he'd kept one of his hands out of their line of sight. Before he could properly react, Minyak raised the weapon and fired. A colourful beam shot from the gun and hit Henry square in the chest. That's when he recognised the gun: It was a Dreambeam, one of Dr. Minyak's favourite weapons. Ray's head snapped to the side just in time to see Henry's eyes close and his body slump forward. Ray's hands shot out and caught the kid mid-fall around his waist. He carefully lowered him to the ground, holding a hand behind his head so it wouldn't crack onto the floor.

"Sweet dreams." Minyak laughed and strode out of the room. Ray wanted to go after him, but he couldn't just leave Henry here.

"Dammit, kid," he mumbled as he scooped him up into his arms and hurried back to the Man Van parked outside. He was going to get Minyak later. Henry came first.

The way Henry dropped like a sack of potatoes was something Ray would never forget. He looked around the room to shake the memories. Schwoz and Charlotte had left to get the equipment to set up a second cot so she could enter Henry's dream.

Ray's gaze fell onto the kid. He sighed: The chip was still on his lips. He walked over to the cupboard to get a napkin and came over to Henry's side. He removed the chip and carefully wiped the union dip from Henry's lips. Just when he was about to turn away and trash the napkin and the chip, Henry began to moan. Ray felt guilt stabbing him in the gut at the sight of his kid's discomfort. That look on his young face was so out of place. Henry shouldn't look like he was in pain. It was just... wrong. He put the napkin and the chip onto the... thingy that measured his brainwaves and turned back to Henry.

"Hey, kid, it's alright. We'll get you up and walking in no time." He put his hand on the young hero's shoulder, hoping to comfort him. Henry let out a pitiful whimper that just about ripped Ray's heart to pieces. His face was scrunched up and Ray swore he spotted a small tear in the corner of his eye.

"Oh, kid," he mumbled and raised his hand from Henry's shoulder to his head. The boy immediately leaned into the touch, prompting Ray to gently run his hand through his hair. Henry's features relaxed a bit, making Ray let out a small sigh of relief. Poor kid, he thought, Henry doesn't deserve this. As he continued to caress Henry's scalp, his moaning decreased and his face almost fully relaxed. At least they knew now that they could definitely influence his dreams, if the coffee hadn't been proof enough. Hopefully Schwoz's plan was going to work. He couldn't take seeing Henry in such mental pain much longer. That was also the reason he wouldn't be the one to enter Henry's dream and hurt him till he woke up. He would never be able to shake the images of hurting his kid.

"Ray!" Charlotte suddenly yelled from the backroom. The hero stroked Henry's temple with his thumb and then retracted his hand. The kid turned his head a bit to find the lost source of comfort, making Ray close his eyes for a second. Henry was way too young for this. What had he been thinking, dragging this innocent kid into this dangerous business?


"Yeah, I'm coming!" he called back and patted Henry on the arm before he turned around to go help Charlotte and Schwoz with the cot for the... thingy.

He swore to God, the next time he faced Minyak he was going to punch him until he couldn't remember his name. Because no one, no one, messed with his kid.

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