Invisible Brad

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Summary: Missing scene from "Invisible Brad". Ray is there for Henry after Brad hurts him.

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Ray blanched when Henry voiced his realisation. Brad was the one holding the pipe. How had he come in? Shouldn't Gooch have seen-

Oh. Right.

"What are you-" he began to ask as he got up from the couch, but then suddenly the pipe flew forward and Brad slammed it into Henry's shin.


Ray gaped at the person he used to call his friend - well, he couldn't exactly gape at him, since he was invisible, but he gaped at his approximate whereabouts. He couldn't believe Brad just struck Henry with a steel pipe. The kid screamed in pain and sank to the floor, making Ray crouch down next to him. Playing pranks and being obnoxious was one thing, but deliberately hurting him? That was one step too far. A big step too far. Ray put his hands on Henry's shoulders and glared at the empty space he guessed Brad stood.

"Quit your job."

"This has to stop, Brad!" he demanded angrily as he rubbed the kid's shoulders.

He couldn't believe that Brad cared so little about who he was hurting, as long as he'd get to be his sidekick. He hadn't even hesitated to hurt a thirteen-year-old.

"Oh, why?!" Henry wailed as he clutched his leg. "Why, why?!"

Ray rubbed his shoulder in sympathy and winced when he heard the pipe clatter to the floor. The elevator opened and closed and then Brad was gone. At least he hoped so. Henry was still gasping and whimpering as he clutched his leg.

"Come on, kid. Let's get you on the couch."

Ray tried to help him up, but the weight put on his leg made him cry out and sink back down. Contusions on the tibia were so much more painful than on most other body parts. There was practically no flesh between the skin and the bone.

"No," he chocked, obviously trying to hold back tears. "I can't stand. Don't make me stand." He reached out his hands and grabbed hold of Ray's T-shirt as the first tears slipped out. Great, he was crying. Oh, he knew exactly what he was going to do when he got his hands on Brad.

"Okay, alright, you don't have to stand," he said and held out his hands in a pacifying manner. Instead of Henry moving on his own accord, Ray decided to just pick him up and put him down on the couch. He put one arm around the kid's shoulders and the other under his knees, Henry still holding onto his shirt and silently crying because of the pain. In one swift motion, he scooped his sidekick off the floor and gently placed him onto the couch. Henry yelped, but that was it. No scream. No additional pain.

"I'll go get some ice," he said and rubbed Henry's shoulder, hoping he'd let go of his shirt so he could get the ice. He did, albeit reluctantly, and wiped his eyes. The kid placed his hand on his left thigh again and squeezed as he grit his teeth and let out a choked whimper. Ray rubbed his shoulder again and walked to the auto-snacker to order some ice packs.

"God," he heard Henry say through clenched teeth. "This hurts so, so bad." Henry gasped and whimpered again. Ray impatiently waited for the ice. When the machine finally produced an ice pack, he grabbed it and jogged back over to the couch.

"Here," he said and carefully placed the ice pack on his shin. Henry breathed heavily and squeezed his thigh even harder. Ray sighed as he stood next to where Henry sat and rubbed his back. The kid released a breath and let his head drop against Ray's abdomen. Ray moved his hand up to Henry's head and ran his hand through his fluffy blond hair. The fact that the kid didn't protest about his "perfect" hair being touched showed just how much pain he was in.

"I can't take this anymore," Henry said and sniffled.

"I know, buddy. We'll get Brad," Ray said reassuringly. Henry let out a shuddered breath and wiped his tears away. Then he accidentally moved his leg, causing him to suck in a sharp breath and hold onto Ray's shirt once again. Ray patted his shoulder with his other hand and kept on stroking his hair.

How dare Brad touch his kid? Simply for his job? That guy was unstable. They needed to find him and somehow subdue him so they could hand him over to the police.

Ray was going to make sure Brad never hurt Henry again.

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