Opposite Universe

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Summary: Missing scene from "Opposite Universe". Ray comforts Henry after he and Charlotte return from the other universe.

Warning: one tiny swearword

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Henry grunted as he landed on his feet. He and Charlotte had just gone through the tubes to get back home. He quickly raised his head and saw the Man Cave with Ray and Schwoz.

The real Man Cave, with beardless Ray and Schwoz in normal clothes.

They were back.

The tubes retracted and a smile broke out on Henry's face.

"Ray," he said as he walked down the platform, hating how his voice was a bit shaky. Ray walked up to them, smiling just as widely.

"Welcome home, kids," he said. Henry released a shuddered breath. The images of Evil Ray hurting him were still seared into his mind. His heart was still hammering from the thought of never seeing the real Ray again. Of being stuck over there. Henry was snapped from his thoughts when Ray asked him a question.

"You okay?" he asked quietly and looked down at Henry's hands. The sudden wave of emotions had made him momentarily forget his broken finger. He raised his hands and was about to tell Ray what happened when terrible music rang through the Man Cave. They all yelled at the same time.

"Gah! Put it away!" Charlotte screeched.

"Are you serious?! Seriously?!" Henry shouted.

"Quiet!" Ray barked.

Schwoz grumbled and put the instrument away. Ray turned back to look at them and shook his head at Schwoz's antics. Henry wanted to tell him about his broken finger now - which was starting to throb more painfully than before - but was stopped again, this time by Charlotte.

"Oh, no! That thing is going much further away than on the couch!" she said and stalked over to Schwoz. She grabbed his instrument and ran towards the secret door next to the monitors.

"No, wait!" Schwoz yelled and ran after her. When they were both out of the room, Ray chuckled and turned back to face Henry once again. He looked at his hands expectantly.

"Oh, yeah," Henry said with a dry chuckle. "Opposite You broke my finger." Ray's eyes widened comically. If his finger weren't hurting so much and he weren't this shaken up, he would've laughed.

"He did what?!" he exclaimed, making Henry wince. He could still hear Opposite Ray yelling into his ear, demanding to know who he was while twisting his arm and pressing him into the wall. Ray didn't notice his reaction as he carefully took Henry's hand into his. He hissed at the movement and resisted the urge to pull back his hand. This is Ray. The real Ray. He wouldn't hurt you. Never.

"What else did he do?" Ray asked with a low voice. Henry scratched the back of his neck with his other hand.

"Uh, nothing," he said, his voice too high and still wavering a bit. Ray looked up at him with a raised eyebrow, his eyes hard but filled with concern. Henry felt another wave of emotions clash against his chest. It was over, he was back, he was home. Ray was never going to hurt him again.

"Kid?" Ray asked, looking at him expectantly. Henry felt the first tears pricking in his eyes. He bit his lip. He was not going to cry. Not for something as petty as this. He'd known it wasn't the real Ray. What was the big deal? He was back now, wasn't he? Everything was fine.

But still.

"Talk to me, kid," Ray said. Henry desperately tried to suppress his emotions, but Ray's eyes were so full of concern that he couldn't hold back anymore. He moved forward and threw his arms around Ray, ignoring the pain in his finger. He pressed his face into the crook of Ray's neck and stubbornly resisted the urge to cry.

"Whoa, hey," Ray said and patted his back. "Everything alright?" Henry shook his head wordlessly, his face still smushed into Ray's shoulder. He didn't trust himself to talk, knowing he'd sound like an upset little kid (which he was not).

"Hey," Ray said softly and hugged him back tightly. "It's okay. You're home."

That's when Henry let go. He began to cry into Ray's shoulder, sobs wracking his entire frame.

"My god, kid. What happened over there?" Ray asked and placed his hand on the back of Henry's head, running his finger through his hair. It only made Henry hold on tighter to his boss.

"Don't grow a beard," he said into Ray's shoulder. The man snorted.

"I had a beard over there?"


"Did I look handsome with it?"

Henry shook his head.

"Then I won't grow a beard."

Henry laughed with a huff and finally let go of Ray. He took a step back and quickly wiped most of his tears away with his uninjured hand. Ray patted his shoulder.

"You good?"

He nodded and sighed shakily.

"Yeah, I guess," he mumbled. "Sorry."

"It's alright," Ray said and squeezed his shoulder. Then Henry hissed.

"But my pinky still hurts like hell," he said. Ray snapped his fingers in remembrance and guided him to the couch with a hand on his back.

"We should put ice on that," he said as Henry sat down on the couch and rubbed his other hand over his face again to remove the last tears.

"Schwoz can treat it as soon as he's done fighting Charlotte for his guitar-thingy," he said. They were both quiet for a second to listen to the faint yells coming from the secret room. Henry winced when he heard a crash.

"Ah, they'll be fine," Ray said and waved his hand dismissively. He then walked over to the auto-snacker to get some ice.

For the first time since the universe hop, Henry allowed himself to relax. He leaned back and sighed, knowing that he was safe and surrounded by friends once again.

Ray was Ray again. His Ray. And that was all he needed.

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