Tears Of The Jolly Beetle

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Summary: Missing scene from "Tears Of The Jolly Beetle". The gas doesn't just affect the beetles.

Warning: one swearword

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"You'll have to catch them first," Minyak said with his annoying nasal voice. Ray frowned. Why would he have to-

Dr. Minyak put his arm on the metal framework that held the beetles and made it topple over. Glass shards lay scattered all across the floor and the beetles began to crawl around in panic.

Okay, now he got what Minyak meant.

"The beetles!" Minyak's hot nurse cried out as Ray pulled Henry back from the mess of glass, metal, plastic and beetles. Minyak pushed the remaining glass containers off the table and onto the floor as well.

"No, no!" Ray said through clenched teeth as he reached out towards the beetles, but pulled back again to place his hand onto the chest of his much too eager sidekick. Minyak slammed his hand onto a button on the wall and proceeded to pull the nurse with him towards the exit.

"Ta-ta! Cheerio! See ya!" he yelled with a smirk as they escaped. Ray automatically made a step towards the exit, but stopped himself, knowing that saving the beetles was their number one priority. He turned back around and instinctively held Henry back from leaning down towards the glass covered floor.

"I shall recur!"

God, that son of a-

Ray swivelled around and saw Minyak stand in the doorway, smirking and running away for the second time. He growled and clenched his fists, but turned back to the center of the room instead of following them.

"Come on, we gotta go after them!" Henry yelped and took a step forward, but Ray stopped him.

"No, no!" he said as he held onto Henry's shoulders. That's when it first registered in his brain that gas was coming out of the walls. If Minyak wanted the beetles gone, it could only mean one thing.

"That's ioconium gas," he said. "It'll destroy the beetles."

"So?" Henry said and shrugged, looking up at him with questioning eyes.

"We need the beetles to get my power back. We can't let them die." Henry nodded in understanding and together they walked back to the mess on the floor. Then Ray heard something crunch.

Was that-?


"Oh, no," he said, stretching the last letter, as he crouched down to pick up the dead beetle. "The gas already killed this one." Henry gave him a deadpan look. Ray sighed, dropped the beetle and turned his attention back to the living ones crawling over the floor.

"Come on, let's get as many as we can without accidentally killing any more," he said sheepishly as he bent down and grabbed a beetle. Henry did the same.

"What now?," he asked. "I can't hold a dozen beetles in my hands." Ray nodded and looked around the room. He spotted an empty water canister a few feet to the left.

"There!" he said and walked over to the canister. He unscrewed the lid and put the beetle inside. He held it out for Henry to do the same. The kid smiled and held out his fist. Ray bumped it and ruffled his hair.

"Not the hair!" he protested and swatted his hand away. Ray snorted.

They continued to collect one beetle after the other. They worked relatively fast until they reached their seventh beetle. Then Henry began to cough.

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