The Spoiler

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Summary: Alternate ending to "The Spoiler". Piper comes to Henry's aid a second too late.

Warning: half a swearword

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"Hey, you!" someone suddenly shouted. Piper had barely heard it since she had her fingers in her ears and was yelling "Lalala!" along with everyone else.

"What?!" the Spoiler snapped. Piper stood up to see who it was that had just entered the room and addressed the Spoiler. It was-

Kid Danger?!

"Shut up!" he yelled at the jerk standing in front of the screen. Piper hopped up and down on her toes. Kid Danger was in the same room as she was! Aaaahhh! Several people also seemed to realise what was going on.

"It's Kid Danger!" she yelled, getting the attention even of those who hadn't been looking to the front.

"Oh my god," she said and grasped Charlotte's arm. "WE LOVE YOU, KID DANGER!" She saw him glance her way for a split second. AAAHH!!! HE GLANCED HER WAY!

"Spoiler alert: I'm about to spoil you," he said as he walked up to the slightly taller teen.

"Yes! That was the perfect quip!" Piper exclaimed excitedly. She watched giddily as Kid Danger took a wider stance and looked like he was about to raise his fists. She loved watching the fights. But before Kid Danger could do anything, the Spoiler took a step forward.

"Get outta here," he snarled and shoved Kid Danger so hard that he stumbled and fell onto his back. The crowd oohed. Piper's smile disappeared as she clutched the seat in front of her. Come on, Kid Danger. You can do it.

The hero jumped up and sprinted towards the crook. He slammed into him and dragged him down with him. Piper cheered along with the crowd and began to jump up and down. Kid Danger quickly rolled away a few feet and threw himself onto the Spoiler just as he was about to get up. He slammed his fist into the guy's abdomen over and over again, each hit earning another cheer from her and everybody else.

But then the Spoiler began to push himself up. Piper saw that Kid Danger struggled to keep the larger teen down and eventually, he held him in a vice-like grip, his arm bent backwards over his knee. Kid Danger kicked his legs and tried to pushed himself up with his other hand, but he couldn't escape the Spoiler's hold.

"Maybe I'll just break your arm and then ruin the movie for everyone," he yelled, making the crowd gasp. Piper watched with wide eyes as Kid Danger let out a frustrated yell. He tried to get the larger teen off him, kicking his legs and clawing at the arm pinning him against the teen. He wouldn't get out of this alone. Piper set her jaw and hurried down the stairs.

Suddenly a sickening snap echoed through the room followed by Kid Danger's heart-wrenching scream. Piper momentarily froze.

She was too late.

The Spoiler had broken her favourite hero's arm.

Rage filled her entire body as she grabbed the plastic sword from the girl in the first row.

"Get your hands off Kid Danger!" she screeched and ran up to the duo with a battle cry. She tried to ignore Kid Danger's gasps of pain and began to smash the sword onto the Spoiler's back. He let go of the sidekick, who fell down onto the floor and cried out through clenched teeth. The muffled sound of his pain only fuelled her anger and she kept beating up the jerk relentlessly.

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