Sweet Dreams

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This was the first time Peter had woken up with MJ still in his arms. She hadn't moved, or curled up on the other side of the bed, with her hair sprawled across the pillow like usual.

Her head was still somehow close to Peter's, on his chest.

Peter's eyes fluttered open. Then his heart sank, because he realized the shitty situation he was still in with Noah and the shitty situation May was in with Walter.

He felt in his soul that MJ's alarm was going to go off soon, and just like Peter had anticipated, it did. Though 'One Dance' by Drake, was a pretty decent song, it sounded awful, blaring from MJ's iPhone at 6am.

Peter felt MJ move and then moan gently. His arm was still around her. She lifted her head up a little bit and then placed it back on the pillow.

'Grips on your legs, front way back way, you know that I don't play-'

Peter sighed, as the music started to ring in his ears. He let go of MJ, reaching over her to grab her phone on the bed next to her and turned off the alarm. Then he lay back in bed.

Peter couldn't think of anything worse than going to a test center to take this stupid SAT. He pulled the covers over him and shut his eyes again.

"Peter?" He heard MJ say.

He opened his eyes and she had sat up.

"I have to do something." She said, her eyes tired, as she reached up to put her hands on her face. "About my Dad. And May."

"Well...not right now." Peter muttered, reaching up to touch her arm.

"I don't think you get it." MJ sighed, looking back at the wall in front of her again.

"Get what?" Peter asked.

"He did that to my Mom, Peter." MJ said. "And he told everybody she was a liar. That she was just 'messed up' from all the drugs she'd been taking. How dare he? How fucking dare he?"

Peter wanted to say 'No don't say that' or 'Yeah, but he'd never do that to you, MJ.'

But it was the fact that he wasn't even sure, that scared him the most. He'd never hated a man more.

"Calm down." Peter said softly, sitting up now.

MJ sniffed, wiping her eyes quickly.

"What's the point? I already know I'm going to fail this test." She swallowed.

Peter put a hand on her shoulder.

"It's just a stupid test." He said. "We'll do it, get it over with, and who cares what the results are? We can always take it again-"

"I know, I just...I just want to go talk to my Dad." MJ said, her voice cracking again.


"I can't even look May in the face. She must hate me-"

"Why the fuck would you she hate you?" Peter asked, as MJ just looked down.

There was a small silence and then MJ finally turned round to Peter.

"This is why I drink...and take things." She said, firmly. "To escape all this shit."

"Shh..." Peter hissed.

"One day he's just going to slap me across the face. I know it-"

"If he ever tries that, I'll-

"You'll what, Peter?" MJ said, helplessly. "Punch him? Push him down the stairs? You could go to jail for that-"

"He should be in jail for what he did to May." Peter said, raising his voice a little.

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