Look Up At The Stars

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Peter got barely any sleep. He had lay in bed for hours, shifting uncomfortably, trying to close his eyes, but failing to stop the thoughts spiraling through his head.

He had even gotten out of bed and marched to the door, deciding he was going to go to MJ and tell her everything right at that second, but then realized she would be fast asleep and didn't want to wake her.

He turned to his side, just as the sun was rising over the city. He walked up to the curtains and opened them up, and sunlight streamed through the lonely bedroom.

And then he suddenly didn't feel so bad.

Maybe she'll break up with me after I tell her. Maybe yesterday was the last day I will have ever got to kiss her.

But watching the sunrise, it didn't feel so bad. Even though he knew today was going to be tough, it was like he had woken up from a terrible dream. As he watched the sky turn pink, then orange, then blue , he thought about what he wanted to say to MJ. How he was even going to start.

He grabbed his phone off his desk and checked the time again. 6:40 am.

There's no way in hell that she's awake.

But Peter was restless. He was starting to shake a little, his body numbing. He couldn't get the picture out of his head of her face when she saw the bruises on his body. How horrified she looked. He knew that would be the same look on her face as he told her everything and he hated himself for it.

What if she is awake?

Peter got out of bed, the hairs standing up on his skin. He stumbled into the bathroom and started to brush his teeth, knowing he was wasting time on purpose. Twelve minutes passed and Peter's mouth was still full of toothpaste.

What the fuck are you doing?

He spat out into the sink, letting the water run. He slid his tongue over his teeth. They felt raw, like someone had taken sandpaper and scrubbed them. Then he rummaged in his suitcase for a T-shirt to wear. As his anxiety was starting to eat him alive, he began to pull nearly all his clothes out, leaving a messy pile on the floor.

Then he settled on a white oversized T-shirt from Midtown's science fair back in Freshman year.

"Nerds." He remembered MJ saying, as she walked past him and his teammates during the fair, in their matching T-shirts.

"MJ, get lost." Brian had said, pushing up his glasses.

"A solar-panel powered coffee maker? Big whoop. Your invention is dumb." MJ had giggled. "D. U. M. B-"

"Oh yeah?" Brian said. "Clearly your tiny brain is too small to comprehend the hours of programming that went into this. And what did you make that is so superior?"

Peter had noticed MJ was carrying a massive green box. She looked down at it quickly, pursing her lips.

"None of your business, Brian." MJ smirked. "All I know is that it's much cooler than whatever that thing is."

Peter had rolled his eyes. MJ had smiled at Peter sarcastically.

"Love the matching shirts, Parker." She had said.

"Thanks." Peter said bluntly, not knowing if MJ was being sarcastic or not. "My aunt got them made for us."

MJ had turned around and walked off in the other direction.

"Guys, I hope you all don't give a shit what she thinks." Another guy on the team had said. "She's literally on a team by herself because she has no friends."

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