Wedding Bells

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Allison watched as her mom finished getting ready, she looked stunning. And to be honest this was the happiest she had seen her mom in years. She could get used to it. Kate spotted Allison in the mirror and turned to face her.

"I'm glad you're here, I have something for you." Kate said reaching for a wrapped box.

"Seriously mom? It's your wedding day." Allison said as Kate handed her the gift.

"Yes seriously, I wanted you to have this." Kate smiled.

Letting out a sight Allison unwrapped the gift and opened the velvet box to reveal a silver bracelet with her birth stone and four diamonds.

"Mom" She breathed looking at Kate.

"You're my baby, and no matter what happens from here on out that's never going to change. Okay?"

Allison nodded her eyes filling with tears.

"No crying, you'll ruin your make-up" Kate said running her thumb across Allison's cheek.

Sniffing she apologized, "thank you mama. For everything."

Kate smiled pulling her in for a hug, holding her tightly. There was a soft knock on the door before Johanna came in.

"Oh, Katherine, you're stunning." Johanna said clapping her hands together.

"Thanks, is it almost time?" Kate asked glancing at the clock.

"Are you ready?" Johanna asked.

"Yeah!" Kate beamed giving a quick nod.

There was another knock on the door and all three women looked towards the door.

"Come in" Kate called out and the door opened. She almost gasped seeing her dad come in the room.

"What are you doing here?" Johanna asked bitterly.

"Mom, it's okay, can you give us a minute?" Kate asked.

Johanna looked at her astonished.

"Come on gram" Allison said laying her hand on Johanna's back guiding her towards the door.

The door closed behind them and Kate turned her attention to her dad, "I didn't think you would come."

"Neither did I" he replied. "You look beautiful."

"Thanks," Kate said with a soft smile.

"Why did you send me an invite? I didn't deserve to be here."

Kate paused unsure what she wanted to say, she didn't think he would have come at all. Letting out a soft sigh she sat down on the chair folding her hands on her lap. "I don't know what made you decide to walk out. I'm a parent and my daughter is... My whole World, but I do know how hard it is. I asked you here because I need to know why you left." Kate said looking up at her dad.

"I was obsessed with my career and I have to say you weren't planned. When Johanna told me she was pregnant. I got scared and I thought leaving would be my best option, but it wound up just hurting me as your father."

"I don't have a father, now you can stay for the wedding. But I think we're done here." Kate said pushing herself up.

"Is that really all you wanted?" He asked.

"I'm not sure what I wanted, but I can't do this right now. Not on my wedding day." Kate said opening the door.

Allison was standing on the other side of the door, "Sorry. Rick was getting worried." Allison said looking from her mom to her grandfather.

"Al this is your grandpa" Kate said not looking back at Jim.

"We met, briefly" Allison replied.

"I should go sit, we don't need the groom running on my account." Jim said walking past them.

"Are you okay?" Allison asked when he walked down the hall.

"I'm fine sweetie, but can you do something for me?"


"Can you go grab your grandmother?"

"Sure" Allison nodded.

Allison hurried away to find Johanna and Kate walked back over to the mirror to check her make-up.

"Sweetie, what's wrong? Ricks waiting" Johanna asked.

"I know we didn't plan it but seeing dad here I thought that I would find closure. But I realized that I had the best mom in the World and I didn't need to have dad to have an amazing life. And I wanted to ask if you would walk me down the isle?"

Johanna smiled, reaching out she cupped Kates face in her hands. Not saying anything she kissed her forehead. "I would be more than happy to my wonderful daughter."

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