The Impala cruises down a country road. Dean is driving, with Sam next to him. Hermione is reading in the backseat with a book about Magic spells.
'Yeah. You probably missed something, that's what,' Dean tells Sam.
'Dude, I ran LexisNexis, local police reports, newspapers, I couldn't find any single red flag. Are you sure you got the coordinates right?' Sam asks. Dean got a text from their Dad with some coordinates.
'Yeah, I double-checked. It's Fitchburg, Wisconson. Dad wouldn't have sent us coordinates if it wasn't important Sammy,' Dean answers.
'Well, I'm telling you I looked and all I could find was a big steamy pile of nothing. If Dad's sending us hunting for something I don't know what,'
'Well maybe he's going to meet us there,' Hermione hoped that he wouldn't.
'Yeah. Cause he's been so easy to find up to this point,'
'You're a real smart ass you know that?... Don't worry I'm sure there's something in Fitchburg worth killing,'
'Yeah? What makes you so sure,' Hermione lowers her book wanting to hear his explanation.
'Cause I'm the oldest, which means I'm always right,' Hermione rolls her eyes.
'No it doesn't,'
'It totally does,' Dean glances at Sam and then looks back at the road with a little grin. The impala cruises past the sign for Fitchburg.
Hermione and Dean enter a Diner. Sam stayed behind with the Impala.
'This is new,' Dean points out.
'Yeah, because apparently it's hard for you to order a tea for me,'
'How can you even drink that?'
'With a little sugar and milk,' Hermione answers, Dean, rolls his eyes. The duo orders they're drinks and wait.
'So do you think we'll meet him here?' Dean asks. Hermione knows right away who he's talking about.
'I don't know I don't think he...' Hermione looks at Dean who is looking at a waitress. Hermione waved her hand and Dean's chair moves away from the counter, Dean almost bangs his against it. He looks at Hermione but sees no wand. Hermione gets of her chair and walks towards the waitress. Dean's eyes get wide, he tries to grab Hermione's arm but she's already in front of the waitress. 'May I ask you a question?' Hermione asks. Dean relaxes again and listens to their conversation.
'Sure,' she answers with a smile.
'Is there something weird going on here?' The waitress thinks for a moment.
'Well the local freemasons are up to something sneaky if that's what you mean,' They're drinks get put on the counter and Dean grabs them.
'Yeah, that was enough, thanks,' the waitress nods and walks away. Hermione grabs her tea from Dean and they get out of the diner. They spot Sam leaning against the Impala. Dean hands Sam his coffee.
'Well...the waitress thinks the local freemasons are up to something sneaky but other than that no one heard about anything freaky going on,' Dean tells Sam.
'Dean you got the time?' Sam asks. Dean looks confused at his watch.
'Ten after Four. Why?'
'What's wrong with this picture,' Sam moves his head towards the playground. Hermione and Dean look at it. It's deserted, only one child is climbing around.
'School's out isn't it?' Dean asks.
'Yeah. So where is everybody? This place should be crawling with kids right now,' Sam answers. Dean notices a woman sitting on a park bench reading a magazine. He approaches her.
FanfictionSam Winchester and Hermione Granger became best friends at Stanford. On one night Dean came to their apartment asking for Sam's help. When Sam left Hermione became the target of the yellow eyed demon. Now Dean has to work with a witch till they find...