3 -emi

12 0 0

"Hi Lacey" I say

I think I gave her a massive fright when I did that.

"Em!!!" she says frantically "You're here!!!"

"Yeah, did you miss me?"

"Yes... But where were you?"

"I went for a run."

"You went on a run? Hahahaha Em, that doesn't sound like something you would do."

"But I did." I say calmly.

I tell her about how I woke myself up really early, how I went for a run, and how I was late home, by helping one of the little kids when they got hurt.

"How did you hurt yourself?" she asks me.


"I tripped over a branch and got a faceplant." I say. "But it doesn't hurt as much anymore."

"Okay then. Go and make yourself some brekkie, you must be starving!"

"I already had breakfast ages ago, keep up!"

"Really? Okay then, do what you like as long as you don't break the law."

"Okay! I will!"

"And have a shower too!"

"okay then"

-skipping to 3:36pm, because thats really the only time of the day that anything really happens, besides the whole drama in the morning-

Hmm. I wonder if I should have a look at this thing that he talked about, is it called twitter or something? Oh well, i'll have a look at it anyway.

*turns on ipod*

Now, lets look at what twitter is about.


| search- twitter. |

| twitter inc. |

| Twitter-Wikipedia. | ------------

*Looks at screen*

This sounds pretty good! I think ill make one now. But the question is, what username will I use?

*flashback over*

Three years later...

Sooo... It's been exactly three years since I discovered twitter, woke up screaming from nightmares, went for a run in the morning, met Wesley and ate more food than I should. Wow. Its amazing how one person can change your life dramatically. I see that its four am again. Hmm... I think I will go for a "run!" Thats what i'll do!

-one hour later-

I do my running day ritual of packing food and the rest and go for my run. I run to the normal place that I go and sit on the park bench where I normally sit. I post a tweet out of boredom.

@EmiCarron_ :

I'm at the park and I'm so bored!!! Help me!!!

I send out the tweet and I immediately see some replies to it. I check out the answers.

@JellyJay_456 :

I'm bored too and there is no food!!! Your not alone!!!

@_MaliyaAmelia :

Three words. I'm bored too!!!

@Haley_Grace :

Isn't everyone?

I smile at those tweets and reply to them

@EmiCarron_ :

@JellyJay_456 Isn't everyone hungry?

@EmiCarron_ :

@_MaliyaAmelia isn't everyone?

@EmiCarron_ :

@Haley_Grace Haha Idk!

I send the tweets and look through more of them when I see this:

@HeIsMineNotYours :

@EmiCarron_ is an attention seeking whore and she deserves to rot in hell!!!

I cringe at the thought whizzing past my head, my first hate message.

Eh, I'll just pull a Taylor Swift and shake it off.


@HeIsMineNotYours Uhm, I think we all know that you like, spelt your name wrong or something, because I am none of those things... #nope #idfwy

I send the tweet with a laugh. There are immediate replies though, I wonder who they could be... (!)


Whatever, @EmiCarron_ is still a useless loser anyways!

I see I have a dm from... @YouFailAtLife ?

a:Noiiiice! Your good!

I reply to her in an instant.

e:what do you mean by that?

a:I mean you just handled that hate really well and you used sarcasm too. I. Applaud. You.

e:um, thanks :)

a:I'm Ally, btw

e:I'm Emi, but you may know that already.


I keep replying to her tweets until I hear an easily recognisable voice pop up behind me.

❤❤❤❤❤❤End of chapter 3❤❤❤❤❤❤

Hey readers!

I'm so so so sorry that this update hasn't come earlier because I've been busy with exams, but they are over now so I'll be updating more (hopefully) on this series and the Initiates series.

Sorry for the inconvieniences, but I'll be a bit more active lately because I don't have too much on for the next week and a half, so I can sense more updates coming on.

I'm gonna go ahead and dedicate this chapter to _emodreamer13 becuse she begged me to update this, hehe.

FOTC- I am a Year 10 in school.

Bye then, see you in the next update!


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