2 -wes

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This is partly the last chapter from Wesley's pov, enjoy!


I'm sitting here just to clear my mind, since the neighbourhood always keep talking about a girl who lives around here who keeps getting harassed and stuff. Its all the parents can ever talk about, besides what happened in their day, the latest news and family related stuff. Could be racist bastards doing that to her, who knows?

Next thing I know someone's tripping over my foot and kicking me in the head. Could it have been from shock? Who knows?

"Sorry!" she says quickly.

"O..." i start to say, annoyed but once I see that its a girl. "its okay." I finish calmly.

I take notice that she's looking at me. And she's obviously scared of me, oh shit.

"please don't hurt me!" she says quietly.

Oh my god... She thinks I want to hurt her. I would never hurt anyone purposefully!

"I wont hurt you." I say, still shocked that she thought I would hurt her.

She still wasn't convinced that I wasn't going to hurt her.

"y-yes you will!" she says


"I wont, promise."

"You promise?"

"Yes, I promise."

"Thank you." she whispers greatfully

"Can I trust you?" I ask

"Of course you can." she says, starting to be less scared.

P h e w ! I thought she was never going to not be scared of me!

"So whats your name?" I ask

"Emi, what about you?" she replies calmly.

Emi. What an amazing name. I hope we can be really good friends, when she can trust me a but more, or whenever. Idk. Wait, she asked me a question, I better answer it.

"Twenty questions much! I'm Wesley."

*the girl giggles*

Oh my god she laughed. Haha. Am I really laughing in my head? Believe me, I was feeling as awkward as she probably was.

Its almost been 3 years since this happened, and we still keep in touch, not. I haven't seen her in forever...

I wonder if I'll ever see her again. I hope I will, because she is honestly one of the nicest people I know.

I run back home, but not before giving her my twitter name. Will she ever follow me? Who knows, it was just a run, I guess, and it'll probably stay that way.

I enter the house from the back door, to try and not wake my parents or siblings up. Unfortunately, my stepfather is visiting, and occupying my room. Again.

I hear a creaking noise behind me, and there are three kids with three massive suitcases standing before me on the stairs.

"What took you so long?" my mother asks from behind me.

And there she stood, in all her glory. My mother, who could be a supermodel, with two massive suitcases.

"We're leaving now. And yes I did get everything of yours."

"I went for a run." I whisper, "And I met a new friend."

"Are you going to keep in contact?" she asks

"I hope so, I mean, I did give her my twitter name..."

A loud bang is heard in the distance.

"We have to go." Mother says. "Now."

And we run to the taxi for dear life.

But not before seeing my new friends beautiful face.


When will I see you again?

❤❤❤❤❤❤End of chapter 2❤❤❤❤❤❤

Hey readers!

Reminder: This chapter is in Wesley's pov. For those who don't know this, he is the boy Emi kicks in the head when she's on her run.

FOTC - My favourite colours are a blue-green colour and purple.

Until next time

-emi x

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