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hewwo !!!!!!!

my name is katsu,, and its been a while since i wrote fanfics or anything but I just really wanted to write things for tonton and decided i should share them with yall too!! even if theyre kinda bad,,,

ill try my best!! to feed yall with this doughnut boyz content uwu 🌸🌸🌸

ill try my best to update as frequently as possible but idk how frequent that would be,, im currently doing kinktober fics as of the moment so expect a lot of spicy,,spicy fics

so with that being said

🥵 this fic will be containing nsfw or 18+ content!!! 🥵 please keep that in mind and i apologize if thats not what you came here for but its kinktober and i want to write spicy kinky fics for tonton.

there will be some fics that borderline crackhead but thats just me trying to have fun so !! hope yall enjoy this 💕

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