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[ (10/19) USHDUE SORRY THIS LATE I GOT REALLY BUSY WITH SCHOOL;; hsish HOpe yall like this,,even with its rushed ending,, úmù ;;
kinktober day fours theme was toys!! and honestly i didn't know how to go in with this since i had a lot of ideas I wanted to do for this theme ú////ù in the end I went for this because why not,,, hope yall enjoy! 

again this has 18+ stuff happening so if that makes you uncomfortable i suggest not reading this ficbook until the end of october,,,bec its kinktober hoes,, !! set  in the original universe ]


Mike was excitedly running along the hall ways of the manor a box tucked under his arm as he went up the stairs a grin on his stitched mouth.

What was inside the box that made the young acrobat so excited? Well we'll find out in a bit. He slammed the door the led to his shared room with his...best friend well as of now.

"Nootie!!!!" He called out, barging in and interrupting whatever the prospector was doing, Norton looked up from writing his diary and quirked a brow, "You seem excited, whats the occasion?" Mike pants and stops in front of him, hands on his knees trying to catch his breath, "Okay so this morning Ms.Nightingale called me right, and I was so scared I did something wrong but, it was just this-!"

He raised the deep red, diamond pattered box, he was still grinning from ear to ear and he was just beaming with so much joy Norton couldnt help but smile back at the sunny blond.

"Well whats in it?" Norton walks over to the bed and pats the spot next to him, Mike obediently follows to sit next to him, "Actually I dont know yet the Ms. said I should only open it with you around." He hummed tapping his lip, the box seated in between both of them, Norton blinked in confusion, 'A box he should only open with me around? What's that old hag up to this time...'

He had a weird feeling about this and he doesnt know if he likes it he watched Mike take off the seal that kept the box together excitedly bouncing his leg up and down, curiosity coming off him in waves.

He opens the box.

Norton couldn't even take a good look at the things before Mike shuts it close again, an unreadable expression on his face.


"Whats inside?" Norton was already scared to even know whats inside, not even a reaction from Mike? What the hell is that box? Norton reaches out to take the box to check for himself only for Mike to pick it up and hug it close to his chest, a bright blush on his freckled cheeks, "No! Its embarrassing youre not allowed to see!"

Norton held back from grabbing the thing from his hands, he was physically stronger than the young acrobat, especially now seeing his reaction, hes even more interested to know what's inside the box, but.

Onyx eyes met baby blues, Norton could only sigh in defeat, he was curious but he couldn't find it in himself to force the blond to show him, even if it was eating him up. "Fine."

"You'll show me anyways eventually you're not the best at keeping your mouth close Morton" He pinched the younger ones nose, standing up from his seat on the bed walking back to his desk on the other side of the room. Mike watched him still clutching the box tight to his chest, rubbing his nose.

'How can I show you when its something so private...'

Mike thought, still blushing red at the contents of the box.


Its been a week now.

Mike didn't have any matches for the evening and he knew that Norton was scheduled for at least 4 matches forcing him to stay downstairs to wait on the other matches to finish, so in short Mike had the room all to himself...at least for awhile. He bit his lip, kicking his leg back and forth as he laid down on his stomach.

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