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[ this officially starts my kinktober list!!! i started on day three so the theme was shower!! this will contain some nsfw this time so im,,warning yall I have little exp in writing anything sex related except for when im roleplaying

this is set on an au I have in my instagram, where the ANEW boys are in a boy band and Morton is their manager while Norton is their producer thats what most of these kinktober prompts are going to be based on unless i say otherwise ]


"How flexible can you actually get Mike?"

Naib asked watching the blond
doing his own set of stretches in front of him, he knew that their current manager was a man of many talents, it honestly baffled him how the company managed to score him for them (albeit he did bully a lot of managers before the blue eyed genius came along to manage them so he couldnt help but think it was pure fate that Mike wasn't as much of a pushover as he thought he was)

Mike pondered a moment, it was late at night and he still didnt know how he and Subedar managed to be in this situation, dressed in his work out clothes trying to help Naib out with his form for the new cherography that Fiona made for them, "Uh...I guess I'm pretty flexible?" he paused scrunching his face up as he reached his toes effortlessly, "not as flexible as I used to be when i was younger but yeah I think with a little work I can be as flexible as I used to?" He grinned at the auburn haired boy, "Why?"

Naib attempts to copy him barely reaching his toes, "Just curious. You're always  running around with a certain grace in your step Im admittedly I am a little jealous of you." He gave up trying to reach for his toes and simply observed Mike whilst resting his hands on his chin, "Though in all honesty I wish I could be as flexible as you, it'd be a blessing during sex." Naib says almost way too casually causing the blond to sputter in surprise ruining his current position of holding on to his toes.

"Naib!" He scolds hitting his chest gently as a red tint bloomed on his features, "That's lewd!!"

Naib had the gall to grin at him, "What you think I actually wanted to be more flexible for dance? Morton...you think too innocently of me." He winked, Mike bit his lip.

Well he isn't wrong, multiple times have his partners made use of his flexibility when it comes to certain activities like that, especially when it came to a certain masochistic kink of his.

"I thought you were actually trying for once,  you made me hope Naib..." he faked a sob, burrying his face in his hands, Naib only hollered kicking him playfully with his foot, "You know me Morton, I only think with my dick!"

Mike laughs and stood up, helping the other boy up as well grabbing his hand and standing with his hands placed on his hips, "But okay lets go over the routine once more and then we can go, yeah?"

Naib groaned but agreed non the less, this did benefit the group after all he is their trusted center.

"One more time."


Mike groaned as he went into the shower hall, Naib decided to leave him right away after their last dance session, didnt even bother taking a shower or anything just one look at his phone after it notified him, he hastily packed his stuff and went.

If he comes to back looking like a racoon tomorrow hes not letting him in. (He will)

Mike pouts as he sheds his shirt off, still slick with sweat as he works his way to tug his leggings off.

"Bend over a bit more I think itll look way better." Mike jumped from surprise almost hitting his shin on the metal benches, turning around to face the intruder.

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