ill deny everything and erase you

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A/N; hewwoo this was uploaded on ao3 first but i decided to upload it here too since it is my dumping ground HAHAHA; decided to edit some of words here in this upload because i thought they should be more improved !

Mole and Swift never got along, no matter how dazzling of a performance they put out on the stage, the people who knew them could only laugh at how often they were at each others throats.

It was almost a comical to see how long it would take them to finally break with how heavy the sexual tension between the two were.

Norton with his brash and head-strong personality, often fueled by greed and the promise of money- using everything in his power to get what he wants out of a situation, and then there was Mike- a people pleaser by nature, someone who wanted to serve the crowd and soak in the praise it gave him, a man who lived under the spotlight his whole life.

Even from their appearance- with Nortons rough and ragged edges to Mikes soft and angelic features.

It wouldn't take a genius to know how much they despised eachother, everyone would tell you they were the very definition of polar opposites.

Which was why its not a surprise to find them fighting, shouting and pulling at each others hair, pushing and angrily accusing one another- Mike even gone as far as to hide Norton's precious collection of gems- because Norton thought it would be funny to change the performance song last minute.

(Though if anyone asked, it was by far the best show they put on. Mike knew how to improvise well.)

The glares they would give to each other the moment the curtains came down and bicker like an old married couple was a silly routine for the Circus Crew of Hurraza, only Violetta was brave enough to step between them.

"Why can't the both of you just settle your differences and move on!?"

Margaretha- stood up and yelled at them as Luchino and Robbie had to pull them apart from each other before they beat eachother again.

"Come on Margie- you think I'd go as low as getting along with him?" He jabbed a thumb towards Mike's direction, "Over my dead body." He puffed put smoke angrily as he shoved his was out of Luchinos hold storming out of the tent.

Mike in turn ran after him with shouts of, "This isn't over until you look at me in the eye Campbell!"

Mr.Smiles held Margaretha from chasing after the two idiots by putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Don't. Its best to let guys beat each other up sometimes"

Smiley had always known Mike since he was young, and has always been by his side. If anyone knew Morton he did.

"And if they end up hurting themselves badly?" Margarethas voice was soft as she looked towards the direction those boys ran to.

To this Mr.Smiles only chuckles, "Its good that we have someone as talented as Aesop in our crew right?"

They returned bloody and bruised, Norton had a tooth knocked out (which he promptly replaced with a golden one to flex)

Mike was frowning for once- his eyes were red from blood or crying- both? Even his lip was busted up, though it seemed like Mr.Smiles was right.

They came back with a weight seemingly lifted off their shoulders, holding each other up as they walked back to the building.


Weeks passed by after that outburst, everyone noticed that they gone quiet, but no one dared to comment on the lack of venom that they both served to each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2020 ⏰

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