.::Old Times::.

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[ this was something originally made for Tonton week but I didn't finish it in time shshs 🌸 no nsfw here but it is hinted ]


From the taste of his lips Norton knew he was crying, the slight pink of his sclera only provided proof towards his suspicions. Mike was being unusually quiet, only tightening his grip on the brunettes shirt as he pressed his lips against his, teeth clicking against each other in a rough kiss. Sharp intakes of air and the sounds Mike made when Norton bit against the soft flesh of his lips, were enough to get them both in the mood, but the lingering suspicion something was wrong held the taller man back from fully delighting in their heated embrace.

He pulled back from the kiss, cupping the smaller ones face with his hand forcing him to look up, "You're being awfully quiet." Norton murmured, all the while wiping a stray tear mark away with his thumb, pressing a kiss on his forehead, "care to tell me what happened this time?"

Mike all but pouted at him, damm his 3rd sense for reading him too well, "Nothing." Norton snorts laying down on the bed pulling the blond to his chest, prompting a yelp from the smaller male. "You can try and lie all you want Morton but nothing gets past me when it comes to you." he muttered locking eyes with his starry eyes, "I know you too well."

Mike pursed his lips averting his gaze, "It isnt anything too bad..." he tried to play off lightly but Norton wasnt having any of it, he pinched his side knowing full well it was the acrobats weak side, getting another yelp from the acrobat.

"Norton-" Mike whined wiggling his way out of his grip, "stop- it really isnt anything too bad..." A hum came from him as he sat up, cupping his chin with the palm of his hand, "Well? Care to share it to me instead of keeping it to yourself? Im really curious y'know love."

Mike pursed his lips swallowing, "I played in Moonlit River with Margie again...and the hunter was pops, he decided to be nice because he just wasnt feeling it so we hung out in the tent just like old times..." he paused feeling tears spring up his eyes, "And...I couldn't help but take note of how small we were, from the family I loved back then, compared to now...all we really have left now is each other..." He hid his face on the crook of his neck taking in the comforting scent of sandalwood from his love, Norton hummed and pets the blonde on top of him that was trying to keep his sobs to himself.

"You know it wasn't your fault..." Norton starts letting Mike weep his woes on the comfort of his neck not caring that his shirts getting damp from tears, itll be off in a bit anyways. "Whoever that bastard was that set fire to your home, we'll find him." He says a silent promise to mull the guy lacing the softness of his voice, Mike looked up sniffling, "We?"

"Well I'm your boyfriend now, if you plan on killing someone Im not leaving you to yourself babe, you gotta have an alibi for your crimes." He knew this from experience, Mike laughed lightly, it was a weird kind of manic planning to kill someone, being trapped in a manor and being forced to play a game for killers do things to your head.

"Thats stupid, aren't you supposed to be stopping me from doing brash things?" Mike grinned down at him leaning his chin on the palm of his hand, Norton snorts rolling his eyes, "Im not Mr.Zelle dumbass not my job, my jobs to make you happy and keep myself sane from all the teasing and trouble you love doing." Mike whined hitting his chest playfully, a certain spark back in his eyes again, Norton always managed to cheer him up even when he was kinda bad with his words, Mike knew it was heartfelt and true.

The blond pressed a soft kiss on his chapped lips, no tongue or anything just something that felt right at the moment.

"I love you Mr.Campbell" he teased pulling at the prospectors cheeks as he felt hands gentle hands slide up on his lithe frame.

"I love you too Morton"

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