the cycle race 🚴‍♀🚴‍♂

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Noah pov:
Girl: hi Noah, do you wanna know who I am, behind the mask?
Yess, who are you? I really want to know, you know I like you
She puts her hand on the mask, and finally she removed it and I finally saw her face.
Yes, now wake up
Suddenly I heard my alarm.
I woke up with my whole face sweating.
Finn : finally you woke up, get ready fast, otherwise we will be late, hey by the way, what you were saying,
What, what was I saying?
Finn smirked and said: you were saying that I like you
Shut up
Millie pov:
I was thinking about the guy I met yesterday night, then Sadie said : let's go, we will be late for school
Mhmmm, let's go
We both were cycling, that suddenly, we heard some noise from back
Noah : so slow, isn't it Finn?
Finn : yeah
That would be proven today at 5, remember?
Noah : of course
Time skip
In school
Jacob: hi Millie, I got to know your name from my father, you know the principal
Get lost from here
Noah : dude she said she don't want to talk to you
Jacob takes my hand in his hand, and I just tried to loose his grip, and said leave my hand
I said leave my hand
Noah : hey, leave her hand
Jacob: no
I just make his hand twisted
Jacob: ouch, you will regret this Millie Bobby Brown
We will see
Time skip
Noah pov:
Finally, school got over
Finn : yeah dude, today we have a lot of stuff to do
Millie : just don't forget the race but if you want to surrender you can
Sadie : yeah go ahead
We will see at 5
Millie : yeah we will see
Finn : let's go Noah
Time skip
At 4:38
Sadie pov:
Hey Millie , its the time , let's go
Millie : uh, you reach , I will be there at time
OK, but don't be late
Finn pov:
Noah , let's go, remember? Race
From toilet
Noah : yeah I know, I m kinda busy here
Eww, be there at time
I reached there, and I found Sadie standing there alone,
Hey Sadie
Sadie : o hi
Where is Millie?
Sadie : she has some stuff to do
Sadie : Noah?
Some stomach problem
Sadie giggled
Okay if they are not here till that we can move around
Sadie : cool
We both started walking, there was an awkward silence, so I thought to broke it
Hey sadie
Sadie: yes?
Yesterday you were going to say something
Sadie : oh yes, how can you say me so rude?
Because, I didn't do that thing deliberately, but you still were so mad at me.
Sadie : I think, you didn't remember anything
what didn't I remember?
Sadie : um nothing
Come on Sadie, spill the beans
Suddenly a voice came, hey guys
That was noah
Sadie giggled and said : are your stomach fine?
Noah : yea... But wait how? Finn
Listen buddy, let me uhh explain
Noah came towards me furiously,
: you are gone
And started tickling
In half way of laughing, St-stop
ha ha
Millie : hey guy,... What the heck is going on here
Sadie : you are late, you know, Noah
Noah : plz, don't tell her
Millie : Sadie, tell me,
Noah : no
Millie : u r my best friend right??
Noah : Sadie, plz no, don't tell her, I will tell u one of... Finn's secret
What?? Noah, which secret
Noah smirked and said : pants
No, Noah, don't you dare
Sadie : come on Noah, spill the beans
Noah : I will tell you at one condition, that you will tell nothing to Millie
Millie : but she will tell me right?
Sades, you will
Sadie : it was nothing, we were just talking about Noah's stomach problem
Noah : Sadie, why did you do that?
Millie started laughing
And said aww Noah, you got a stomach problem....
OK guys, remember for what we had came here.... Cycle race
Millie : yes it's time for cycle race, OK let me tell you the track
Time skip
Race time
Millie pov:
It was race time, Finn and Sadie were totally ready,
Noah : on your marks
Get set
We both said together : go
When they gone,
Noah the stomach problem
Noah : shut up Millie
Noah the stomach problem
Noah : shut up
He started catching me, I started running, we both were running, the difference was that he was running after me, I started panting and then said let's stop it now
Noah was coming running towards me, he tripped over a stone and he fell on me and I was not able to make the balance, and due to this we both fell on the ground together
Noah : I'm so sorry
Our faces were two inches far to each other, I was able to feel his heavy breathing
Get off me
Noah : s... S.. Sure
He finally stood and I also stood and we both started brushing our pants which had got a little dirty,
Finn pov:
I really wanted to know, what Sadie that time wanted to say, so in the middle of our track, I stopped her
Sadie : what are you doing, remember we are doing a race?
I know, will you tell me please what you were telling me that time, you said something like don't you remember?
Sadie : forget about it
No, please tell me
Sadie : OK, we had met before that also,
Before that?
Sadie : yeah, let me when we both were 5 years old, your family and my family were very close, and we both were very good friends
W.. Wait sad song
Sadie : mhmm
Wait you are my sad song girl
Sadie : yess
Finn : sadie the sad song
Sadie : don't call me that
Finn : I will call you I will call you
Sadie : OK whatever, let's listen our favorite song

Finn: I love this song
Sadie: me tooo
Finn's mother came and said : now you will never talk to her
Sadie 's mother : so who wants
Finn was dragged by finn's mother and Sadie was dragged by her mother.
Finn : no mom, I want to be with Sadie
Sadie : mom plz let me goooo
After 3 days
Finn and his family gone, they transferred
Flashback ends
Sadie : I wasn't angry because of that, I was angry because of what you did to me in childhood, you left....
She started crying,
Listen, Sadie, I m sorry, I m really sorry.
We both hugged
Can we sing that song together
Sadie nodded
You and i
Sadie : we are like fireworks and symphonies
Exploding in the sky
Sadie : with you,
I'm alive
Sadie : like all the missing pieces of my heart they
Finally collide, so stop time
Sadie giggled and said right here in the cycle time
I laughed and said, cause I don't ever wanna loose you like
Sadie : without you
I feel broke
Sadie : like I'm half of the whole
Without you
Sadie : I 've got no hand to hold
We both held the hands
Without you, I feel torn
Sadie : like a sail in the storm
Without you,
We both said together I m just a sad song
We both hugged each other again until Millie and Noah seen us, and their jaw dropped
Millie : wow
Noah : like really wow
Millie : Sadie,
Noah : Finn
They both said together,
Are you guys dating
Millie : tell me
Noah : how long
Millie : when
Noah : where
Millie : how
Slow down guys, we both aren't dating, we both are childhood friends..
Sadie : we both are just childhood friends
Millie : oh
Noah : oooo
Millie : why are you imitating
Noah : I'm not
Millie : yes you are
Noah : I'm not
Millie : yes you are not
Noah : yes I'm
Millie smirked and said : see
Sadie : will you both stop fighting
Millie : but who won the race?
We all were silent
Sadie : nobody
Actually Sadie is right, guys, come on we all are friends
Millie : yes but not Me and Noah
Noah : never
Millie: ever
I and Sadie sighed and smiled towards each other..

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