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Millie pov:
Finn: yes, you are the girl, i saw in caleb's party.
Sadie: yeah, in caleb's party, i saw you
She said pointing his eyes towards flynn.
Flynn: oh yes, you hit me that day.
Sadie: for your kind information, you bumped with me first.
Finn: okay whatever,why are you both here? Okay i understand that, caleb's party was a masquerade party, but today also mask..
Flynn: actually, we are detectives, and we are not allowed to show our faces.
Sadie: okay now i get it, the tragedy that took place in caleb's party, so you both were there due to that.
Yes, now can we start our investigation?
Finn: which type of investigation?
Actually we are here for your father's accident investigation.
Finn: wait, isn't it was already solved? Jacob has got arrested.
Flynn: no he is not the culprit.
Finn and sadie said in a unison: what?
Yes and we need to find the real culprit.
Finn: okay, then ask , whatever you want to ask.
Can we go somewhere?
Sadie: sure, there is Mcd nearby.
Time skip
After we reached,
Um, so where your father lives?
Finn: florida
Flynn: okay, so did you know that your father is coming to meet you?
Finn: yeah
Do your father have any enemy?
Finn: no, he never discussed about anything like that..
Time skip of 20 minutes,
Can we see your dad?
Finn: sure
In hospital
Mary: finnn....who are they?
Finn: mom these are investigating this case.
Mary: if you are here to see eric, then doctor has forbidden to do that..
Oh..okay, so can we ask you something?
Mary: yes
What was the reason behind the divorce?
Mary: how..
Finn: mom i told them
Mary: i...i can't
Mam, if you want to know the real culprit then you have to tell us..
Mary: ok...i will
That suddenly my boss's call came
I gotta go
Flynn: what happened
Nothing, ms wolfhard, we will interrogate with you tomorrow
Mary: .....
We both left
Flynn: you didn't answer my question
I can't tell you
Flynn rolled his eyes: fineee
Okay then dart out
Flynn: dart soon
I darted my yoyo, and finally reached hostel.
Mam, why did you called me to come at my hostel.
Boss: because i wanted to inform you that i will be coming california for some work so i need you there with me, so you have to clean this accident investigation mess up fast...
When would you be coming?
Boss: i will tell you..
Ugh great..
Spy suit off
I saw maddie and iris talking..
Hey guys..
Maddie: guess what?
Maddie: we are going to stay here for one more week...
Wow that's great, how this happened?
Maddie: actually, due to some problem, tickets were not booked, and no tickets are available till next week..
That is awesome..
Mary pov:
Finn and sadie, i need to talk to both of you....
Finn and sadie looked towards each other.
And came towards me,
We all sat in the hospital's rest room...
So...uh...i don't know from where to start..
Finn: come on mom, tell us what's going on...
Sadie: finn, can't you see, ms wolfhard is so tensed, give her some time..
Thank you sadie for understanding me..
I said keeping my hand on her hand.
So....listen, you know what was the reason behind your and sadie's separation?
Hey guyz, today is my birthday, and i have turned 14,so this is my return gift to all of you. And sorry for making short...

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