Part 1: The Plan, Chapter 6: To Be Like the Guardians

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Mallory looked across the desk at Matt with wide eyes. "Whisper's gone?"

"Yeah. Haven said she teleported over to North's with a snowglobe portal to see if she could find Beatrice and her daughter Fracture. Apparently, Whisper knew them." Matt frowned. "What's wrong?"

"When do you think she'll be back? My kids were attacked by Fearlings, and Sophie's lost sight in one of her eyes. I have to have Jack protect them in case they're being targeted again."

"It could take a while for Whisper to come back. She could be looking for a while."

"You don't know the danger your children are in."

"Shut up."

Matt narrowed his eyes.

"Not you, the voices," Mallory said. "They're irritating me again."

"Whisper won't be back until it's too late."

"About that." Matt cleared his throat. "We're gonna have Fiona look after you while we're gone."

"But Whisper already took my..."

"It's not that we don't trust you, but the voices may take advantage of us being away. We don't know what they're capable of."

Mallory looked away. His fear.

"I have to go help set up for my wedding now." A worried smile. "Take care of yourself, Mallory."

Matt walked out the door to the main office, leaving Mallory at the desk in the light blue room. How cheery of a color for a place full of people who fought such dangerous things. It and the uniforms had been Angelia's idea, having wanted it to be kind and inviting, but clearly she had not thought of the irony.

Mallory's thoughts ricocheted inside his skull, all fighting for attention. The kids. The voices. The danger.

"You don't know the danger Jamie and Sophie are in."

Mallory tried to ignore the voices. He had to figure out a way to keep his kids safe.

He could send a letter to North, but it might not make it there in time, and the Fearlings and Nightmares might steal it like they did every letter addressed to a Guardian or L.E.R. agent nowadays. It was why Duran had created an online form for people to fill out to get the L.E.R.'s services. Mallory could go down and defend his kids himself, but he had to sleep and only had so much power. What if a huge army came? He would need backup (he wasn't as powerful as the Guardians), and that took a while to arrive.

"You don't know the danger they're in."

Mallory paused his spiraling thoughts for a second, weighing his options. "In what danger are they?"

"Why do you expect us to tell you?"

"You certainly keep acting like you want me to ask." Was this a bad idea? Mallory wasn't sure.

"Terrible danger is coming, for them and for all." His adrenaline spiked.

"That's not very specific."

"If you want to save those you love, Bennett, you had better think of something soon."

"Then help me. Please." Was this bad? He didn't know. But maybe the darkness inside of him was a good darkness, like Whisper's. Could she sense the darkness power in herself?

"You need to kill Pitch, Bennett."

"Fine. I will."


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