Part 1: The Plan, Chapter 5: Moved

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Whisper stood in the scorching summer air in front of the line of tan houses Haven had driven her to. Haven pointed at one of them as Whisper sweated all over.

"She and her parents and daughter used to live here."

Whisper's eyes went wide. "Daughter?" There was a Prophecy Person-human hybrid? That was possible?

"Yeah, Fractura."

"Fracture? What's her power, then? Does she have one?" She likely had only one if any, being half human and all.

"It's Fractura. And I don't know."

"No, it's Fracture in English. Fractura's Latin. I don't call myself by my Latin name in English, do I? Beatrice probably just named her daughter Fractura to disguise her name in public, based on how humans react to non-human beings like like your parents reacted to Sneak and I. Let's find out if Fracture has a power." A growing light was blossoming in Whisper's chest. She could actually get someone back who she had known before! The thoughts of her memories of Beatrice nearly brought tears to her eyes. She had never expected something like this! More Prophecy People, but never Beatrice, and never a niece.

Whisper made toward the house, but Haven caught her shoulder.

"Where are you going?"

"To ask if they know Beatrice and Fracture." Wouldn't the people know who they had bought the house from?

"They don't. That's not how buying a house works."

"Oh." The flower in Whisper's heart shrunk a little. "Where did Beatrice's family move to?"

"I don't know. It was last spring."

Whisper frowned. "Do you think North would know where she is?"

"Maybe. You should ask."

"I will."


The second Mallory had seen the text from his son, he had driven to the airport and gotten on a plane. He hadn't known what exactly he thought he was going to do to help, but he felt like it was his parental duty to be there for his daughter.

He was now sitting on a white chair in a white room next to his son, and Sophie was on a white bed with stitches across her face. The doctor had said that she was now blind in her right eye, but he had at least believed the story about the Fearlings. The tense silence in the room was made even tenser, however, by the presence of their mother sitting on the opposite side of Jamie, avoiding eye contact with Mallory.

"I'll pay for the treatment if insurance doesn't cover it all," he said, breaking it. He had more money than his ex now. She just nodded, her eyes moist. A faint purple haze- fear- outlined her frame, next to Jamie's red- anger. Sophie's was blue. The chemicals from the Power-Inducer hadn't been completely flushed out of his system yet, so he still had a little of the power.

"This wouldn't have happened if you had let me join the L.E.R.," Jamie spat.

"If you were an L.E.R. agent, then you would've put much more danger on yourself and your sister." There was a reason friends and family members got discounts when it came to the L.E.R.'s services. Mallory's kids lived so far away from him that they hadn't been targeted before, but if Jamie became an L.E.R. agent, everyone close to him would be put in more danger.

"But if I worked for the L.E.R., I would have weapons to protect her with."

"Not while you're gone. It's happened before, someone's sibling getting attacked while they were away at a school function."

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