The tower

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She was all dressed up in a fancy pencil skirt and a white shirt she looked as if she was a real business woman.

She came up to the group scanning over it for a moment she put something down on her clipboard. She turned to a woman at the front desk and told her the number of people in the class then whispered something to her with a smirk.

Hello midtown high! I'm (y/n) and I'll be your tour guide for the day! (Y/n) said with fake interest in the situation Peter could tell she was tired and didn't want to be doing his.

After we get those passes ready we can start doing the tour but for now are there any questions?

Yeah I got a few! Flash yelled out as he pushed his way to the front.

I'm happy to answer them (y/n) chirped out "happily"

How old are you?
What age do you hire interns?
What's your phone number sweet heart?

Peter couldn't help but laugh at that last part peter had told (y/n) about flash and she didn't like him at all peter was surprised that (y/n) hadn't put him in the ground yet

Flash! Ms. Rose yelled out as she went to pull the boy aside

No that's ok you would be surprised how many people try to use that line on me as for the other questions I'm 16 and we don't hire high school students I'm sorry but you have a few more years.

If you only hire after high school how do you have a job here? A girl in the back peter only knew as Kate asked

Well good question but that's classified if I told you I would have to kill you (y/n) said with a wink the class laughed but (y/n) didn't. Only when the class got the horrified look on there faces did (y/n) let a small giggle escape.

Carla the woman behind the front desk finally got the passes and (y/n) passed them out to the group leaving three people out of the people who got them

The room got quite as flash yelled out that ned MJ and peter didn't get a pass. Carla jumped up and apologized for her mistake but (y/n) stoped her and reminded her that the tower didn't allow the printing of more then one pass for employee the room got quite again and all eyes fell on them

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