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A raindrop landed on my notebook, Nola's daily rainstorm was about to hit! Time for me to get out of here! My new bracelet jingled against the table as I wrapped up my things. I found Jack, thanked him, paid him for my coffee and left him a large tip! I jumped in a taxi to be taken to Cafe Du Monde, for a better view of the tourist and the local street talents! Along with more coffee! It's safe to say,

I'm a coffee addict!

It's a quick ride in a taxi but better that then to be soaked by the rain! I hopped out paying my taxi fair, running straight in the famous cafe. For hours I watched people, made notes, drank my coffee and smacked on beignets. I watched men singing with dancing dogs, dogs pretending to be drunk while their owner played the trumpet, street hustlers, pickpockets, likewise the locals giving free directions and advice on dining to all the curious tourists. The smell of fried shrimp was coming from the restaurant across the street, so by order of my stomach. I took myself across the street after paying my bill at the legendary cafe! Yes, I was dripping wet when I got there because I never carry an umbrella. They annoy me!

I sat down, peering out the window at the golden lady perched on top of a horse in the middle of the street. Talk about women's empowerment, Joan of Arc was certainly one of the many leading ladies in the world. She started her own revolution in a world full of men. If she figured herself out, I can figure out myself. Damn it!

I asked for two shrimp po'boys and iced water. I was so hungry those beignets were delicious but all that coffee had made me jittery. In about ten minutes my shrimp sandwiches came out piping hot! I prayed, took two large bites of those salty delicious creatures! I sank my teeth down into my 3rd bite when someone approached my table with large black sunglasses on, he asked could he sit with me. I pointed with my pointer finger at my mouth, asking for a minute to finish my bite, chew, and swallow. I grabbed my water to get the rest of it down and said, "now who may I ask are you? If you are selling something, I'm not buying sorry, man!"

The man sat down, "you're really here, aren't you? You're Dorean Scott." I laughed, "last I checked, who are you?" He reached for my hand, but he pulled it back quickly. When he saw the crystal shard hanging from my bracelet, it sparkled in the sunbeam peeking through the windows. The rainstorm was starting to clear up, looking back at him, he seemed amused, "I'm no one important but my kind is concerned about you. Are you here to destroy us?"

I shook my head, placed one hand on my temple, massaging it gently. I put my elbow down, resting it on the table. Trying to maintain my patience. "Dude, I am here to write a book about the highly unusual people, history, and street life of New Orleans! I am in love with this crazy place though it appears, I'm the one who should worry after I was given a voodoo protection bracelet! There's some insanely odd, overly rich people stalking me, and now you in sunglasses on a rainy day are asking me, am I trying to hurt your kind? Quite, honestly what is your kind? 80's band? Johnny Cash? Wait, The Beatle's cover band? This baptist raised girl is getting a little concerned about who sent out the memo to New Orleans about who I am? Or who they think I am? Why everyone seems to think I am some kind of Superhuman or Buffy the Vampire Slayer or something?! Who sent out that announcement, last I checked writing a book doesn't hurt anyone. Secondly, hundreds of people have written books about New Orleans. Hell, hundreds of people are writing them right now! Did y'all harass them too? So give me a break man!" As I chomped down on my fourth, fifth and sixth bites of my po' boy obnoxiously as possible! My cheeks were full like a chipmunk! I was making the loudest noises I could while chewing up my sandwich.

"Charming, are you? Interesting you say Buffy the Vampire Slayer? Do you hate vampires? Is that why you are here?"

I picked up my water, guzzled it down, I had to giggle... "perhaps I'm delirious but, did you really ask that? Really, dude? But, I'll humor your insane question. I don't know any vampires to speak of but, the idea does fascinate me. The fact that a real vampire could exist, not the people walking around in goth pretending to be vampires. I respect that culture and all! But, It's thrilling to think, there could be real ones walking around here. As long as they are respectful and they must be, otherwise someone would have caught them on camera by now. No, to answer your question. I mean no harm to anyone, except for those who wish to harm me! I will fight back! If you are from that seahorse club, get the hell away from me!"

Mardi Gras Enigma, New OrleansWhere stories live. Discover now