WAKE - Chapter 1

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In the morning, it is the same as usual: wake up, check the weather, water the planets, drink a marriado, and cook breakfast. The apartment basked in white from the reflection of the modern sleek furniture with the crossed wooden window. All the vines and leafs spilled out of their pots from the window, bathing in the morning sunshine. Eve watered the plants she named after the stars of the universe. Looking out the light filled window, she cracked her knuckles under the window frame and pushed up siding it open as a delicate breezed poured in. Although, she wasn't much for nature, she enjoyed little walks out in the forests that surrounded the small city.

The smell of eggs fills the room. A favorite of all morning meals. As Eve grasped the spatula to stir her eggs, there were three knocks at the door - knock, knock, knock. 7 am is not a time to receive guests, nor was she expecting anybody, except her roommate that stays out at strange times. The cool metal twists and she pulls the door open but only a slight slit as Eve was wearing skimpy shorts and an unflattering oversized t-shirt.

"Yes?" She looks through the door crack. Two figures dressed in brown with their faces overshadowed by the oversized hats to where she could only barely see their mouths as though they were purposely hiding themselves. This set off alarms that flush panic to her face.

"Hello", says one of them in a crackling voice, "We are looking a boy with spiky hair, does he live here?" Eve nervously looked back wondering what to say.

"Umm...who is this?"

One of them promptly responded, "We are his friends, he said he wanted to meet us here". She dropped her eyes wondering if this was truth or a lie since she has never known Lemin to have friends come over.

"Well, I think you have the wrong place. He moved out a while ago, but I don't know when he will be back since his stuff is still here. But I will let him know".

The other man next to him snickered, "No need. Well then – did he leave a pin with a gem around? He said he would give it to us".

Eve looked back at the barren apartment scanning the room. "Nope, haven't seen anything like that but I will tell him next time."

They both snared their lips, "No. We'll tell him ourselves." With that, they both turned around and limped back to the hallway stairs. Eve continued to watch them, how their dark figures hid their bodies to not identify their features or body type.

The smell of eggs became stronger. Eve ran over to the stove. Now the runny eggs have crusted the pan, becoming overcooked but not yet burned. Turning off the stove, Eve moved the eggs to the plate.

Eve ate at the kitchenette bar contemplating on what her roommate might be up to. Lemin had not moved out, but just hadn't been by the apartment in a few days as usual. The men at the door did not say his name. They must have been lying about being friends, obviously, she thought. She made the right choice in lying to them. It's hard to trust others with their fake smiles.

Thinking about what the first time Eve meet Lemin shortly after moving in from her family's condo. Although her body was 32 her soul was fresh, immature, and oblivious to the dangers that lurk outside due to staying in her lab drowning in her research. Her strengths in astronomy became her greatest weakness in learning about society and the world around her while she studied the worlds beyond. Eve crawled out of her sanctuary and took a leap out to Arduina as the best option for continuing research in astronomy as Arduina as the best view for yearly comet rotations due to its isolation by the mountains. Shortly after posting a roommate's ad, Lemin showed up at her door later that day. He introduced himself in a basic blue jean with all sorts of dirt stains. He smelt like the aspen woods that surrounded Arduina. His spiky hair mixed against his in with the low-maintenance of his personal hygiene. He claimed himself to be an Arduinian forest logger and was looking for a dwelling when he had a business in the city. Through the dirt and smell, his fair skin simmered in the dim florescent lighting. His voice was soft with a spice in his accent that could not be identified with the area. He seemed fresh out of an academy defiantly younger than Eve.

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