Halloween Pranks

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Halloween Pranks

            Halloween. It was the most dreaded day of the year to Bobby Finstock. It was the day that made him regret teaching every year. High school students were devils in disguise. They were evil, cunning, and extremely bothersome. He tried to get the day off nearly every year, but by that time, he had already used up all of his vacation time for the rest of the year. That's how annoying those kids were. Not to mention, even if Halloween fell on a Saturday or Sunday, the kids still wouldn't leave him alone! He learned that the hard way.

            When he entered the school that awful day, he found a pile of candy sitting on his desk with a card beside it. He skillfully shoved the card off the desk and jumped away from the candy, just waiting for it to explode; however, to his surprise, nothing happened. Timidly, he opened the card, and sighed when he saw what it said.

            "Happy Halloween! From - Greenberg."

            He should've known.

            First period bell rang, and Finstock just prayed that he would be able to get through the day without any haywire prank given to him. He knew that it would never happen, especially with his rancid lacrosse players wilder than ever.

            His first class was relatively decent. He didn't hate everyone in there, so that was a good start. Plus, they were quieter than the other classes, which Bobby certainty appreciated. He eyed them while they worked on some random assignment, watching for any signs of danger. Once the bell signaling the end of first hour rang, he was literally wiping sweat off of his face.

            That was when the bane of his existence entered the room: Stiles Stilinski. He was only a Junior right now, but it felt as if he had been haunting Bobby's life for the past thirteen years. The kid wasn't half bad. He seemed nice enough when Coach first met him. Then, he figured out Stilinski's terrible ability to talk back, joke around, and all in all annoy Finstock to death by making his life worse with pranks and getting into trouble.

            "How's the day been going, Coach?" Stiles grinned cheekily as he strode into the room.

            Coach Finstock sent a glaring look at him, "Perfect, because this year none of you, - not you or your little boy toys - will be pranking me! I know it's coming, and I'll be able to avoid it. Then, it will be you who will be embarrassed."

            Stilinski rolled his eyes and plopped down in a seat, blabbing away to his best friend McCall, who was also on the lacrosse team. More students came filing in, most of them tardy. Finstock didn't mark them in fear of another person toilet papering his house like last year. It took him three whole days to clean it up, and still he finds the occasional square of toilet paper littered in the grass.

            "Well, today you little devils will sit there in your desks not doing anything except working on the twenty pages of reading this chapter! Am I understood?" He questioned, eying the class.

            "But I need to use the bathroom--" Greenberg started to complain.

            "Too bad, Greenberg! You should've thought about that before you came into my classroom. Now, all of you, get to work."

            He watched them the entire period, making sure no one moved an inch up out of their seats. He also made sure they were actually reading, not just texting on their fangled gadgets they had. He would gladly take away phones.

            All of the sudden, a piercing noise rang throughout the building. It was the fire alarm. Coach Finstock's eyes darted to Stiles and his partner in crime immediately. He rushed up to the boys angrily as everyone else began to file out of the classroom.

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