Canned Food [stydia]

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teacher!Lydia and teacher!Stiles AU (no supernatural creatures)

Canned Food

            Today marked the beginning of the annual Beacon Hills High School canned food drive. Every year Lydia's first hour class won the pizza party. Every year they collected more cans than almost all of the other classes combined. She was sure it would be no different this year.

            "Good morning, Ms. Martin!" One of her advanced math students greeted her as they strolled into the classroom, placing a bag of ten cans beside her desk. Lydia smiled. They were already off to a great start. The bell just rang, and students were beginning to head to their classes. She couldn't wait to see all of the cans flooding in.

            By the time class started, she had around thirty cans already. Knowing they had another four days left, she was already certain they would win again. The class last year that had gotten second lost by nearly one hundred cans. They were the only ones who came that close (if a one hundred can difference could be close).

            Lydia Martin had taught at Beacon Hills for almost six years now. She got her degree in math, then went on to get one for education. No matter how much she wished and dreamed about a Field's Medal, she also couldn't abandon the school. She loved her students. Not to mention, since she was at the young age of twenty seven, having skipped a few grades and graduated early, she could relate easier to the students then other teachers.

            When it came to the other teachers, she didn't befriend many of them. She remembered her friend Allison, who had also worked at the school. After Allison died, Lydia locked herself up, not wanting to meet anyone else, knowing that nobody could ever take her place.

            At lunch, Lydia typically headed for the teacher's lounge. It was quiet, for most teachers either stayed in their rooms, went out to eat, or some dared to eat lunch in the cafeteria among the rambunctious, hungry teens. Another reason she preferred the teacher's lounge was because it had a vending machine, just in case she didn't have time to get a lunch in the morning. Not to mention, it was the only room in the school that was the perfect temperature all year long, unlike her own room that was always a little too cold.

            "How was your weekend?" Lydia asked curiously to the teacher currently heating up their food in the microwave.

            The teacher, who Lydia remembered taught science, replied, "Great, and yours?"

            Lydia curved her lips into a tight smile. "Good." She watched as the other teacher finished heating her food, then headed back out the door. Kira, she remembered. That was the woman's name.

            After heating up her own food, Lydia snuggled down into the softest chair in the room, which just happened to be by the window. She ate her steamy food contently, another teacher rummaging through the fridge, obviously trying to find something. 

            That was when he came in. Lydia hadn't seen him before, so she figured he must be new. The man, more like boy, stumbled into the teacher's lounge as if he had yet to grow into his limbs completely.

            "This is the teacher's lounge, correct?" He asked, looking straight at Lydia. His doe eyes were sparkling.

            Lydia finished chewing, "Yes, this is. Are you new?" He laughed.

            "How could you tell? The confused glance, the question, or the fact that you would've remembered this face."

            She rolled her eyes, continuing to eye him suspiciously as he pulled some money out of his wallet. "Definitely the eyes. You looked like a lost and confused puppy. I'm surprised you didn't stay in your classroom."

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