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Welcome back my Lovelies! I hope you have had a wonderful summer! I have been extremely busy with many projects 🙌 and putting my life back in order, but like my beautiful boys, I keep my promises! I am back with the long awaited sequel to His Promise. I am working through a new writing style and updates will be slower (probably close to every 2 weeks), but it is time for this story to see the light. I will be back next week to publish Chapter 1.

I always appreciate comments and critiques from my beautiful readers, so I would love to hear from you! My writing is a labor of love and a work in progress, always.

I will see you inside!



Here is a tiny teaser for my smut lovers ❤🍆😎

The men broke apart, gasping for air as Eren clawed at Levi’s sleeveless undershirt and practically ripped it off his body. Levi’s grey eyes darkened with lust but he rested his hands on Eren’s shoulders, locking him in place with his formidable strength. 

“Looks like i’m not the only one who’s hungry, but I thought we weren’t allowed to do this here...” 

Eren made a frustrated sound and rolled his eyes, struggling against Levi’s grip in vain. He settled for words, since actions would yield him nothing.

“It’s fine, honest. We are all alone here. My father never comes home during the day and Mom and Mika won’t even be done with lunch yet.”

Levi looked unconvinced, his own desperate need warring against his better judgement plain in his eyes.

Should I beg? He likes that…

Eren widened his eyes and his voice went up an octave as he became soft and pliant under his boyfriend's hands. He stretched his arms out just far enough to lightly stroke Levi’s body with his fingertips.

“Please, Master Levi? I need your cock inside me so bad…”

His Penance [Sequel to: His Promise] Riren/Ereri FanficWhere stories live. Discover now