A Grip Like Iron

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A/N: Hello my Lovelies! I have returned. I hope you all had a pleasant week! I am here with my weekly update, as promised. Thank you so much for sticking by me, it means the world! I know this chapter may seem a little disjointed, because I keep shifting the perspective, but it is necessary for the plot. Just because our boys don't know what the other is thinking, doesn't mean I have to leave my Lovelies in the dark.




Levi ran his palm up and down the rough material of his jeans, trying to calm his pounding pulse. Eren kept shifting and squirming, but every time he tried to reach out and stroke him or take his hand, his boyfriend would shrug away. The reversal in their roles regarding pda was laughable. Before they started dating, Levi had never felt comfortable showing so much public affection, even with Rushil, who was always all over him. Being with Eren had changed that. It wasn't so much that Levi felt better about doing things in public, it was that when Eren was in a space with him the entire rest of the world ceased to exist. He just didn't care whether they were alone or not.

Eren's behavior the last few days was fucking maddening. He avoided being alone with Levi and would spurn every effort he made at intimacy with little or no explanation. Not that Levi didn't know how to be turned down...but Eren rejecting him so repeatedly was just...weird. He didn't like to think about the time Eren ghosted him after the shooting, but his behavior seemed eerily similar...if not quite as drastic.

His boyfriend was here...but he wasn't. He was just as haphazard and beautiful as ever, all smiles and soft looks, but he was obviously troubled and today he seemed downright agitated. Eren checked his phone for the tenth time and kept glancing nervously around the food court as though he was looking for someone...which put Levi even more on edge. He seemed to be in a state of perpetual arousal around Eren, exacerbated by the fact that they hadn't seen each other much at all in the last week and when they had, Eren turned him down flat. 

Someone at the table made a joke and Eren's head snapped around, momentarily distracting him from his preoccupation. Without preamble he got up from the bench, turned on his heel and left. 


Eren stalked off into the lobby of the union, fuming, half formed curses fulminating under his breath. Ordinarily he could stand Hannes and his dickish comments, but today he was on edge and found it impossible to calm down. His plan to assess the situation more clearly after taking a few sexless days away from Levi could have succeeded if he had actually had the sense to stay away from his disgustingly hot boyfriend. Unfortunately, that seemed to be the last thing he was capable of doing and the longer they went without sex, the more subtly insistent Levi became. Under normal circumstances it would have been fine, but if Levi rubbed his back or stroked his thigh he would be moaning like a slut in the middle of the food court...and his asshole big brothers would have even more ammo to lock and load. 

A vice-like grip around his arm pulled Eren up short. He knew who it was without looking. Only one person could sneak up on him like that in complete silence.  He didn't alter his gait as he plowed toward the stairs to the upper exit of the Union, forcing Levi to either physically restrain him or be pulled along. He chose the latter. 

"Eren! Eren what the fuck, wait a minute!"

Eren shook his arm off and turned to face him when they were in the middle of the staircase. He didn't want to make a scene so he kept his voice whisper low.

"Can't you just leave me alone? I have to get to class."

Levi frowned at him, his expression both irritated and concerned. Eren felt bile rising in this throat. He was so frustrated and confused he didn't know which way was up. He didn't even know why he was storming away, he just knew that If he didn't he would break into a million pieces.

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