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It was All Hallows' Eve when Hadrian and Hestia had their first big fight. Thankfully all of the full moons had gone smoothly so far. Hadrian and Aloreaa snuck out and no one got hurt. But Halloween was on a full moon this year and it would definitely seem suspicious if they weren't there. Still, they risked it and skipped the feast. They could always play it off as Harry missing his mom and Aloreaa comforting him. But then Hestia had to ruin all hopes of them being normal.


"U-erm. Hestia Potter? Do you you know where your brother is?" Said Neville.
"Oh yeah. It's a full moon so..."
The secret was out in five words.


  As Hadrian and Aloreaa walked into the hall it was unusually quiet. In their tired state they didn't notice. They sat on the floor, per usual, but Neville and the twins didn't come sit. Aloreaa looked around suspiciously. Turning to her potions partner, Blaise, she said "Well. What is it? Spit it out!" Blaise rose his chin then came and sat with them. Draco soon followed with the answer. "Hestia Potter has implied you two are werewolves. Of course it's poppycock, but most believe her." Aloreaa looked angry before putting on a blank mask. Hadrian jumped up and turned to face Hestia. "What did you say!" He growled.
"Neville asked where you were so I reminded him it was a full moon." As soon as she finished the sentence horror dawned on her.
"I'm sorry Harry! I really didn't think! It-"
"Don't call me Harry! You have no right!" Hestia looked positively sick but Harry wasn't done.
"First no one in the family acknowledges my cries for help and they cut me off from the world. Now you know and you betray me! That's not how you be a good sister!"
Hestia got mad at this point.
"I said I'm sorry! Besides, what would you know about siblings! You sucked up to Grammy so you never had to visit because you were jealous."
"She fucking died after three months. FUCKING DIED! I was alone when I got bit, alone when I transformed, alone when I prayed on my now best friend. You're just a spoiled brat who never met the real world!" Harry ran out of the great hall.

  Draco had been searching the castle for almost two hours now. Aloreaa had told him to go after Hadrian while she talked to their other friends. Why she wanted him to do it, he didn't know. He entered an unused classroom and saw Hadrian practicing magic. He would try to lift a red book. After every few try's he would close his eyes and take ten deep breaths. After repeating this process three times he finally lifted the book. After doing this three times Hadrian put his head on the desk. "What are you doing here Draco?"
"I... that was definitely the best thing anyone has said to her."
Harry looked up. "Come sit."
Draco sat.
"So... what will you do now?"
"Aloreaa will make us a few allies and I'll work on proving myself superior to Hestia. The same thing an alpha always does in a situation."
"So you're alpha. That's pretty cool."
"Yeah I guess."
Hadrian stood up and grabbed his book. Just before he quit the room he said "Thanks Draco."
Draco smiled.

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