(To Keep In Mind)

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"And you must be Aloreaa! I can see how you're Luna's cousin, I do believe she mentioned it-"

"I'm Draco Malfoy. Are you disrespecting my sex change?!"

Before, Harry had wondered why Aloreaa had bleached her hair blonde. He now knew and was slightly concerned for her. And Draco. And most of third year Slytherin. It was unfortunate that Molly Weasley was the first to stumble upon her.

"Oh. I had no idea. Your eyes are..."

"I wouldn't have any similarities to a Potter no matter how much it would embarrasses her sorry face. I refuse to wear my glasses! Mummy!"

Aloreaa then shoved herself away from Harry and their luggage, wailing dramatically.

The Weasley Matriarch looked offended.

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