chapter 1

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The saiyan race. A highly aggressive race that strives to be the strongest in the universe. They have an insatiable hunger for battle that drove them to other planets,other planets that they dominated. Enslaving or either killing the inhabitants and taking the planet for themselves. They would make money selling it to the highest bidder. To describe these creatures in short words, they are space pirates; Taking whatever they want, when they want it because they had the power to...but it was short-lived as they were soon under the command of someone much stronger than them. Someone who could easily tear them apart, someone who could wipe out their entire species. The frost demon race.

Lets get a bit more into the saiyans themselves shall we.

A baby Saiyan's power level is measured as soon as they are born, if their power level is up to standard they are raised as upper-level warriors and become combatant candidates. If their power level remains low even after a certain amount of time has passed they are classed as low-level warriors and become either engineers or infiltration babies. Infiltration babies are sent off to a planet the Saiyans have selected for take over, and if the baby grows up into a warrior capable of taking over the planet they are allowed to return as a full-fledged combatant. Infiltration babies have a low survival rate.

The highest known power level an infant was born with was 1000. This power level belonged to the King's very own son who's named after him. What others don't know is that there was a saiyan born with a power level that far outclassed that of the prince. The child's power level was at 10.000. Shocked and scared upon hearing the news of the child the King quickly exiled him, as he felt threathened that the child might one day overthrow him and his son. If a child with such immense power was to grow stronger, it could be dangerous to the entire legacy of the King. He would not allow such a thing to happen. Not while he still reigns. 

Six years passed and no child was ever born to posses such a high power level again. They never even passed let alone touched the prince's 1000. The throne, The king and His legacy was safe.

But one day a child was born. This child was born to lower class saiyans. Their power level was expected to be very low so it would be no surprise if it were below 50. It would be a wonder if they reached higher than that,but even if it did it was not expected to be by much,even though the child's father had an impressive power level himself.

You could imagine their shock when the child's power level far exceeded their expectations. This child's power level was above 50,yes,it was higher than the hundreds. It was higher than the five hundreds. This child's power level was in the 5000. The doctors were so shocked that they had to double check. 5000. The power was unwavering...This child completely dwarfed all of their powers.

That news of the child soon spread to the king. He was shocked and infuriated. How could a low-level saiyan be birth with a power level five times greater than his own son? Why was this happening again?

The king planned on dealing the infant the same fate he had dealt the last,but the parents of the child protested strongly against his rule. They pleaded and begged him not to kill their child. They promised him, that their child would be a great asset to him in the future. They promised their child's loyalty and they promised that if the child were to ever stray from their duty that he was free to do as he wishes. The king was having none of it. He didn't care about what they thought. He would not take a risk like this.

"She would make a great future ally."

All attention was turned to the four year old prince. He stood proud and tall with folded arms and tail around his waist. His eyes were filled with the saiyan lust for battle as he eyed the incubation chamber containing the child. A smirk spread across his face as he thought of the possibilities.

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