Chapter 52

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"Oracle fish"

Currently a certain Angel had his eyes on the crystal ball on his staff. He had discovered something interesting a few years ago. He paid it or rather her little mind, but his interest grew the longer he watched. Curious creature she is. Her power was somewhat impressive for a supposed lower class saiyan. She grows rapidly, far faster than he has seen any saiyan. He discovered that she had god Ki as well. She is just full of surprises isn't she? Should he let het continue? He found her existance to be somewhat of a cheat. Where did she come from? He himself was not sure. Was she supposed to exist in the first place? He'll have a talk with his sister about this. She could prove to know more than him. Being older and all.

He hummed, his eyes never straying. She's strong, he'll admit. Not impressively so, but looking at how fast she acquired that power made him think different. And that was not even her full potential. It was limitless. Endless. There is no limit for her to break simply because she has none. She will continue to grow stronger. And seeing as she grows so fast, she could prove to be a very capable student and adversary.

He tilted his head back as the oracle fish came bouncing into the room. The creature stopped just before him, a curious glint in her eyes.

"You called? "

"Yes" Whis showed the fish the image of his person of interest. "I am curious about her. She's very powerful. I do remember you telling lord Beerus a prophecy or two"

The fish seemed to go into deep thought, rolling this way and that. Did she really? She couldn't remember, despite it just being a few years ago. What had she told him that made him go to sleep again? She sighed and rolled again.

"Take your time"

She nodded and stared at the ceiling. She blinked. Oh, that's it.

"Super saiyan god" she said in rememberamce. "I told him he would face a super saiyan god"

"Yes, however there was something else too, wasn't there? "

"Yeah, something about.... " about what? She twisted and turned again. Of course she lost her memory of the second prophecy. "It's about another saiyan, or is it the same? "

Whis let the fish take her time as he continued to observe the child. She seemed to be the patient type, a bit unusual for saiyans. He hardly cared about the supposed foe they were facing. She could defeat any foe if she felt like it. She wanted something from the experience or situation. An ally would be birth from the situation as she had said.

"A saiyan that will surpass all! " the fish exclaimed, suddenly remembering . "One who's potential is not limited and who's knowledge exceeds many"

Yes, exactly as he thought. That potential and supposed knowledge makes het highly dangerous. To Beerus. To him and to everyone else. However. It also makes her quite the fascinating character.

"This Sarada would make an interesting God of destruction "Whis noted with interest. Interesting indeed. He smiled.

"Planning on replacing Beerus already? "

Whis did not reply. There was silence for a long while. "This saiyan can rival and surpass Beerus with the right training. Of course it would happen very quickly too, with the rate with which she grows"

The oracle fish tilted her head in question.

"I do believe Beerus will enjoy a good fight with her"

"I guess"

Whis went silent again as he watched her. She was still nothing but a fledgling at the moment. Her power was nothing compared to many other creatures in the fast unknown of the galaxy. She did not touch the millions yet. Because of that he refrained from contacting her. However, seeing as she rapidly grows he reconsidered. How much stronger would she become just by training under him for a year? Half a year? Three months? One month?

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