Chapter 42

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Bulma found herself on king Kai's planet again. She was trying to gather energy from the planet to form a spirit bomb. It's harder than she thought. One really had to concentrate. She closed her eyes and slowed her breathing. Sarada would do this often. Close her eyes and slow her breathing. When asked why she always says it helps her sense her surroundings betters. It was her way of connecting with the energy of everything around her. Bulma thought that would help her in her endeavor. It did actually help. She blocked out all sounds and all thoughts. Her only focused was her breathing. Slowly she started to become aware of the energy around her. She could picture everything. The grass. The plants. The trees. Everything. She could feel the ki of the silly monkey Kai kept as a pet. She could sense the fast cricket as he did his own thing. She could sense the minor deity as he rode around in his car. She could sense a massive energy. Obviously it belonged to Sarada. It had a unique feel to it. She couldn't explain it. It was just different from everything else.


Sarada watched Bulma focus on everything around her. Slowly a white ball of energy began to form over her head. Sarada smiled. Look at that. She was doing it. She seems to have copied her.

Sarada stared while deep in thought. She thought about her mother. Her parents. She had proceeded with the check up she had declared. She had a feeling and she was right. After a couple of tests and a few teasing words here and there, Sarada concluded that her mother was expecting.

She was pregnant.

Sarada experienced multiple emotions after the discovery. The most prominent being joy. Pure joy. She was happy. She would soon have another younger sibling. Another young full blooded saiyan that she could mold. She smiled at the thought. She really hoped her mother brought a baby girl into the world. She was guessing she'd be a strong kid. Her father already went super saiyan even if he could not control it. That would count for something, would it not? Another girl seemed perfect. It would balance things out. Two girl and two boys. Two brothers , two sisters. Sarada couldn't wait. Her sibling would not be treated or raised as Sarada and her brothers. She would not be placed in an incubation chamber. She would not be given a rank upon her birth. She would be somewhat normal. She or he would have both parents and they would raise her or him. At least Gine would.

She sighed. She could quite possible have a younger sister. That would add another strong female into the world. She looked forward to it.

She blinked back into reality. Bulma was laughing as she held a massive ball of energy above her head.

"Sarada, I did it! "

"Yes you did. Way to go"

Bulma continued to laugh until she wasnt and stared up at the ball of collected energy she held above her. What now? What should she do with it? She was obviously not going to throw it. But how was she supposed to get rid of it. She looked down to Sarada, who was watching her. She was amused. Of course she was. She knew what she could do to get rid of the power above her head.

"How you holding up? "Sarada questioned innocently.

"Just tell me what I need to do" Bulma sighed. She eyed Sarada. She had a teasing smile playing on her lips as she watched, silently. Usually Bulma would love her eyes and total attention on her, but at the moment she did not. "Sarada don't play with me"

Sarada sighed. "But it's fun" her eyes glimmered. In all honesty she didn't mind leaving Bulma up there. She would just sit and stare all day. Why? Because with her hands in the air her shirt ran up her stomach. Sarada was not immune.

Bulma glared.

Sarada chuckled and tore her eyes off the exposed toned stomach.

"Absorb it"

Breaking Limits: A DBZ Fan-ficWhere stories live. Discover now