The Tour

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I wake up at 8:00 am this morning and realized I had psychology class at 10. I get up and hear a ding from my laptop hat was charging on my desk. I walk over and see an email from my psychology teacher.

Dear Ms. Y/L/N,
Today we are having a new student and I was wondering if you could meet her at the admissions building and show her to class today. She will be joining your psychology and music class every Tuesday and Friday. Thank you so much Y/N I will you in class.
                                                     - Mrs. Brady

I wonder who the new student is. I threw on a pair of Nike joggers, an obey shirt and a sweatshirt. I put on my slides realizing psychology was my only class today. I grab my phone, wallet, and keys and leave my dorm room.

I check the time and see it's 9:15. I go to the cafe and grab a breakfast burrito and make my way to the admissions building. I walk in and see the last person I thought I would see sitting by the office. Lauren Cimorelli.

"No way...It's the Lauren Cimorelli" She turns her head and sees me. She smiles widely. We've been texting ever since that night I saw her at the party.

"Well well if it isn't the Y/N  Y/L/N." You smile as she stands up and hugs you.

"So I'm guessing you're the new girl who's joining my psychology class and music class." She smiles.

"Yep that's me." We both laugh.

"Well I guess we should get to psych class before we are late." She nods. We exit the building just talking and and laughing. I was basically showing her around campus on our way to class.

We walk in and everyone around us stops and stares. Then we start walking to take our seats. I see the seat I usually sit in and I see some random person sitting in it. I think his name was Gary. I walk over to him and he looks up at me.

He immediately gets nervous and starts to pack his things along with his friend next to him. They both get up and move to other sits on the other side of the room. Lauren looks a little confused but takes her seat next to me. She leans over and whispers sending shivers down my spine feeling her cold breath by my ear.

"What was that about?" She whispers.

"Nothing you need to worry about...but let's just say I'm the alpha in this school." She looks over even more confused.

"What do you mean?" I just sigh.

"I'm known as the uhm well player of the school. You know the ones who get into fights and breaks peoples hearts and plays a sport...yea that's me." She looks shocked for a minute.

"Woah..I uhm didn't expect you to be that type of person.." she looks like she was contemplating something but was interrupted by the teacher walking in.

We ended the class 2 hours later and me and Lauren were walking out. We were walking in the halls of the building when I saw Andi being help up by the wall by her ex.

"Look slut I don't know who you think you are but you can't just break up with me then expect me to be okay with it!" I hear him yell.

"Yes I can it was a toxic relationship!" Andi yelled back.

"It was only toxic because you made it toxic!!" He slapped her. (Play the video and got to the time 0:36) That was my breaking point. I ran over to the guy punched him and threw him to the ground.

"DONT TOUCH HER!" I yelled. He stood up and swing a right hook but I ducked pushed that arm more to the left and punch him in the nose. Andi grabbed my arm and stood in front of me.

"Hey hey hey's not with another suspension come on." She and Lauren walk me out of that hallway. I tried to rip my arms from Andi's grip but Lauren held onto my other arm and I just couldn't fight her over this.

We stopped outside the building.

"No you can't just let him do that you broke up with him!" Andi shushed me and let go of my arm.

"I know I know but I'm fine.." I looked at.

"I'm fine." I huffed.

"Fine." I then remembered Lauren witnessed all of that. I was immediately embarrassed. I finally worked up the courage to look at her. She looked...scared.

"Look sorry you had to see that.." she let's go of my arm I forgot she was holding and steps back.

"It's cool...look I have to go home but I'll text you later." She waves goodbye and goes to the parking lot. I just sighed.

"Did I just mess everything up?" I looked over Andi who shrugged.

"I don't know Y/N I don't know.." I looked down.

"Imma go back to the dorms.." she nodded and we said bye. I walked back to my dorms. I finally got to my room and opened the door. I took off my slides and threw my phone on my bed. I layer down flat on my back and groaned.

I can't believe I might have just screwed everything up with Lauren. What am I going to do.

Oop did you guys just mess up with Lauren? Idk. Maybe you did or didn't. I really hope you guys are enjoying this story it's my first Y/N story so I'm still kind of trying to learn in a sense and remember to put Y/N so I'll get there. Also this chapter is dedicated to camorellostories . Anyways I hope you guys like this story so far and thanks for reading. Don't forget to vote and comment and I'll see y'all soon. Have a nice night or day.


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