I messed up

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Lauren's POV
I cannot believe what Y/N did. She knew she was getting under Rosie's skin and now I have to try and find her. I start running all over campus. Then I see Rosie sitting on e bench.

I walk over and sit down next to her.

"Hey" she looks up at me and slightly smiles.

"Hey" She looks forward.

"Look sorry abt Y/N. She's just being a jerk. You okay?" She looks at me again and smiles.

"Yea" I interlace our fingers and smile. Then I start to get this feeling. It's just not like when Y/N was flirting with me. It's different. It's like I'm trying to cover up the fact that I like Y/N with Rosie.

I shook off the feeling and started to get up with Rosie following. We both started walking with our hands interlaced to go back to Rosie's dorm even though I don't wanna see Y/N right now.

When we enter we see Y/N sitting in there dorm room on the phone. I don't think she knows we are here.

"Look I get it you don't want me to come home I messed up I know I'm sorry!" We hear slight muffling coming through the phone.

"You can't just kick me out! It wasn't my fault he slapped Andi! Carly please?" She sounded really angry and hurt. What was happening.

I was on the phone with my foster home. They are currently yelling at me cause the school called them. They hate when I get into fights but kicking me out of the house.

"Look please...please Carly you guys are all I have.." I couldn't help but want to throw my phone and yell.

"I'm sorry but this was the last straw." At that moment I hung up the phone and threw it.

"Arghhhhhh!" I sat down on the couch and just put my face in my hands. I can't believe I have nowhere to go. Then I hear shuffling behind me and two people sit next to me on either side of the couch. I realize it's probably Lauren and Rosie.

Rosie puts her hand on my knee.

"Look I know I'm supposed to be mad at you but I think I know exactly what that call was..." look even though Rosie and I have had our differences she was there for me with this whole foster home thing.

I just nod my head.

"I'm sorry.." I take my head out of my heads and look forward.

"I messed up not just with them but with you two..I just needed Lauren to see I wasn't this bad guy who goes around punching whoever.." I looked at Lauren and she had guilt and confusion written all over her face.

She then put her hand on my thigh also.

"I'm sorry too...you know for being distant and not realizing that you were only just trying to protect your friend.." I nodded.

"Look imma go get some rest I'll talk to y'all later." They both nodded and we all got up. I walked to my bed and laid there. Ugh why can't I get Lauren out of my head. She's just so perfect. I'm not the type to just keep trying to make someone like me. Why her?

I ended up drifting asleep thinking abt it lauren.

Lauren's POV
"So, what was that phone call about?" I asked Rosie as she was getting a small table set up so we could eat.

"Uhm..probably something Y/N should tell you.." I just furrowed my eyebrows curious about what it was.

"Okay..." we made pasta and ate it and had a nice conversation. After about an hour we hear Y/N come out of her room area.

"Oh hey Y/N how ya feeling?" She just groans a little.

"Eh..ok." We nodded as she grabbed a water.

"Lauren here actually wanted to talk to you about uhm..the call." Rosie said. Y/N nodded her head.

"Here let's talk in my room." I nodded and followed her. We walked in and sat on her bed.

"So uhm the call...we'll.." she started off. I could tell she was nervous about it so I grabbed her hands that she was playing with and held them. She liked me in the eyes and I nodded.

"It's okay..Y/N you can tell me anything" she nodded and took a deep breathe.

"I uhm I'm in the foster care system and well...my foster home just kicked me out.." I just stopped. Y/N doesn't have a family. In that moment I don't know what came over me but it just blurred out.

"Live with me and my sisters." She just looked shocked.

"W-what?" She stuttered.

"Laur I can't just move in.."

"Yes you can I'll have to ask but it's only me, Amy, and Dani and we have a spare room."

I-I- uhm are you sure..?" I nodded smiling.

"Positive.." she smiled lightly.

"Ok then." We both stood up. Then I hugged her and for some reason it felt like I was safe and time just stood still. I felt warm. It was a gently hug and she smelled so good. It felt like home. I think I'm falling for her more.

Ok so like I know these are like filler chapters and this one was like lowkey bad so like I apologize for that. Yea this was cheesy sorry bout that. I do hope you guys are kind of enjoying it. I do have like an idea of where this is going I just need to like map it all out in my head cause it is currently a bunch of piles of ideas in my head that needs to be organized. Other than that though thank you guys for reading. Don't forget to comment and vote and I'll see y'all soon. Have a wonderful day or night.


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