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Lauren's POV
After I left campus I couldn't stop myself from replaying every moment from Andi's ex yelling to Y/N punching the guy. It was so weird and different. I've never had a friend just punch a person like that.

I mean she left the guy bleeding. It was just s a horrible sight. Should I just stay away from her? I mean she's been really nice to me since we met but what if she hurts me. What if she hurts my friends if she gets the wrong idea. I don't know.

I walk inside my house that I share with Amy and Dani.

"I'm home!" I yell so they can all hear.

"We're in here!" I hear Amy yell for my he living room. I walk in and see all my sisters on the couch and chairs watching Mr. Deeds.

"How was your first day at school sugar?" I see Dani repositioning herself while asking.

"Uhm...inter-esting.." I said slowly still trying to compose myself of the events that just took place.

"Why'd you say it like that?" I shook out of my thoughts for a second.

"I don't know.." they all look at me skeptically.

"Are you sure?" I nod.

"Ok spill." I look over at Lisa and furrow my eyebrows.

"Oh c'mon laur we know you..something happened and you don't want to tell us.. so spill.." I sighed and looked down.

"Well remember that girl that I met at the party Emmyn threw here?" They all nodded and looked around at each other.

"Yea...well she kinda got into a fight today with her friends ex and it was just weird.." they all looked shocked.

"She got into a fight?!" Christina somewhat yelled. I just nodded looking at her.

"You can't hang out with her anymore..nope I don't except it...she is a bad person!" Christina basically yelled.

"Look Christina we dont know the whole story..." Lisa said calmly.

"Lauren was there a certain reason your friend got into a fight?" I nodded.

"Yea uhm..her friend's ex slapped her friend.." they looked shocked.

"See Christina Lauren's friend was just protecting hers..that's a good friend for having their back right?" Some of my sisters nodded but Christina didn't.

"Yea but fighting is not the answer...Ever." They agreed with her.

"I don't know what to do guys...do I continue to talk to her? I mean she is a bit of a bad influence just punching the guy. I mean he bled."

"I don't like her at all...but it's your choice laur...I just don't want to see her here anytime soon." Christina said sternly. I nodded and went upstairs to get changed and ready for bed.

Two days later

I woke up at 10:00 and I have music class today at 2:00 which I just remembered  Y/N is in. I walk over to my closet and grab a pair of black ripped jeans and a white top. I walk downstairs and see all my sisters eating breakfast.

"Morning laur." I smiled at Amy.

"Morning." I grabbed my avocado toast and coffee and sat next to Dani, across from Amy.

"What class do you have today?" I sighed.

"Music with Y/N." They both looked at me.

"Well...are you going to continue to talk to her?" I just looked at them.

"I don't know...cause on one hand it's rude to just ghost her but on the other she beat someone up." They both looked at me sympathetically.

"Ok well maybe laur you should not completely ghost her but just keep your space because you don't know" I nodded at Dani.

"You're right..keep distance." They both nodded and we kept eating breakfast.
I finally arrived to the campus around 1:30. So I had about 30 minutes to get to class.

I looked at the classroom it was and what building it was in and I started to make my way. When I finally got there it was 1:56 and people were already in the room.

I see an empty seat next to two random people. As I take my seat I see Y/N walk in. Ugh why does she have to be so pretty wearing her denim ripped jeans and her maroon shirt and grey suede jacket.

Being bi and not having my family know is hard. Especially since I'm in a catholic family. Ugh. She's just so amazing. The way her hair just flows perfectly and the way she dresses makes her look like a badass.

I get interrupted from my thoughts when I heard the teacher say alright class. Throughout the class we went over basic music theory things. Being in the band with my sisters understand basically all of it.

"Now you all have an assignment project where you take everyday sounds and make it into a song. I'll be choosing your partners for this." I write down the assignment and waited.

"Lauren Cimorelli you're going to be paired with Rosie..." I let out a breath. Thank goodness I'm not paired with Y/N. Mr. Philips kept going down the list.

"Y/N there is an uneven number so you're working by yourself but you will have one extra day because the project is quite hard.." she nods and he dismisses us.

I see this other girl start to walk over to me. She was wearing light blue jeans and a tank top.

"Hey I'm Rosie." She reaches her hand out which I shook.

"Lauren." She nods.

"So do you want to come back to my dorm room so we can get started on the project?" I nodded and grabbed my bag. We were walking to her dorm making small conversation and getting to know each other.

We finally get to room 114 in the girls dorm. She opens the door and we walk in. As I start to make my way to her room because her and her roommate have a suite room I see none other than Y/N.

I was just sitting in me and Rosie's room working on the project when I turn my head and see none other than Lauren. Oof I was really hoping this wasn't going to happen.

"Hey." She stays there a little stunned. I honestly didn't know what else to say.

"Hey." She says back.

"What are you doing here?" She stays in the same position while I get up from my desk.

"Rosie's my partner." Oh that's right.

"Oh...fun." I smile.

"Yea..." I started to rub behind my neck.

"Look I just want to apologize for what happened yesterday...it was uncalled for...I'm just really protective of my friends and that Simon dude is an actually jackass." She slowly nods.

"Yea...uh...it's okay..I get it." She said in a kind of slow way. Hats when Rosie walks in.

"Oh I see you two met." We both nod.

"Well laur lets get started on our project in the living room since Y/N is doing her's in our room. Lauren nodded and they went out to the living room. Man that was awkward. I need to show her I'm not all bad.

Ayyyeeee another chapter. I hope you guys are enjoying it. I know it's not very dramatic or suspenseful right now but trust me we'll get there...I think. Anyways I hoe y'all enjoyed how I made him Simon. He finally got the beating he deserved Noah fence. Anyways thanks for reading and enjoying my books, don't forget to vote and comment and I'll see y'all real soon. Have a wonderful day or night.


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