Chapter 2

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Imma be honest, I'm gonna erase all the names for the chapters, I sucks at naming chapters 

I was lying down on one of the floating lounge chairs in our pool with Goten while 8:30 drew closer. ChiChi showed up first with Gohan, Videl and Pan, who immediately went off with Bulla and began talking and playing games on one of the lounge chairs not far from the pool. Gohan and Videl managed to convince Piccolo to come but he didn't really care too much and just stood in the corner. Krillin, 18 and Marron came a little later, Marron floated around in one of the tubes while Goten swam around with us. Finally, Yamcha, Master Roshi, Mr. Satan and Buu came too.

I honestly was really curious on whether or not Mae and her family were gonna show up, she didn't seem like the type to enjoy parties. Goten jumped into the pool beside my floating chair and splashed me. When he emerged from the water, he pointed at me and laughed. I smirked and leaped off my lounging floaty chair and dragged him under water with me. We both emerged and laughed as Marron floated towards us, leaning back on her floating tube.

"So, who are these new neighbors who are supposed to show up?" Marron asked while slightly splashing us.

"Just some guys and this girl that totally has the hots for Trunks." Goten said with a smirk and wiggly eyebrows.

I scoffed and pushed his head under the water as Marron began laughing and pushed me off Goten, knocking him back in the water. Once he came back up, Marron spoke.

"Awww I bet she's a cutie." She smirked and looked over at me.

"Oh, 110% a cutie!" Goten said as soon as he got his breath back and winked, shooting finger guns.

"She's fine, we barely saw her for like a minute." I stated and got splashed with water.

"And that's not enough time to decide whether or not a girl is cute? What happened to the flirtatious playboy?"

"He'll come around eventually, once he sees Mae in her bathing suit." Goten chimed in with a wink and they both laughed at it.

The doorbell rang and my mother ran inside saying that she'll get it.

"Wanna bet it's her?" Goten teased.

I rolled my eyes and mocked him, making Marron laugh.

A few minutes later, my mother came back with Mr. Willow, Aza, Tio, April and Mae too.

They were all wearing their bathing suits except for Mr. Willow, wearing his robes, April wearing a sundress and Mae, who had brown shorts on and a normal looking black bikini top, her hair in the same twin braids as before. A fishnet like fabric popping up under her shorts, I'm assuming it was her bikini bottoms, and over top, she was wearing a white cardigan that you can kinda see through if she's close enough. I felt kind of bad but.. The first thing I noticed was her boobs.. Her bikini top, while it did fit her very well, didn't do anything to hide her under boob or any cleavage, so it was a nice sight to see.

Marron poked my cheek.

"Is that her?" She teased as Goten chuckled.

I pushed her away from me and got out to sit by the poolside. I looked back over at them, mingling with mine and Goten's families and friends. Alongside them was the winged white tiger standing beside Mae, there was also black and orange cat from the cat cafe, who had one violet eye, the left one missing with a large scar scrawled over it, a tail that split in 2 towards the end, and a collar with a crystal bead attached to it, like where a bell would be, sitting on Mae's shoulder. I looked back at Mae who was standing very calmly behind Sensei Willow as my mother greeted him and introduced him to Krillin and a few other adults, her ears folded downwards and her tail wrapped around her leg, like she was comforting herself. Goku had also introduced himself properly to Mae. He towered over her and she very nervously shook his hand. Her smile was small and she looked like she was kind of enjoying her talk with Goku, as I noticed she was giggling. I saw her and Goku laugh at something before she did a small flex with her arm. That's when I noticed she had muscles, granted, she was skinny and they weren't extremely pronounced, but if she flexed in the right way, you could see her muscles. Her legs were the more defined portion of her body, she had little Chun-Li thighs in my opinion. I was kinda surprised Master Roshi didn't turn on Pervert Mode when he saw Mae, I don't even think he noticed she was there, he was too busy talking to Sensei Willow about something. I heard footsteps and saw a flash of dark blue hop over me and into the pool, splashing everyone and knocking Marron off her tube.

A Saiyans Dream (Trunks X OC DBZ/DBS Fanfic) (Inconsistent Schedule)Where stories live. Discover now