Chapter 8: All Might Part 2

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"He said what to my baby?", Nemuri asked.

"Told him he couldn't be a hero without a quirk. Look, can you see if Nezu will give you his address? I'd ask, but he'd probably be a bit more suspicious of me", Shouta told her.

"Yeah. I'll text you the location. Meet you there. ", With that she hung up and Shouta went to go explain everything to Hizashi.

His reaction was expected. Anger. Just pure anger. What kind of hero told a kid to give up on his dreams? Just because of a minor setback? When Shouta said that he wanted to go confront All Might, Hizashi agreed immediately.

They said quick goodbyes to the kids and left. Heading to the address Nemuri sent them.  It was an apartment on the edge of town.

Hizashi and Shouta got there before Nemuri, so they waited. She got there a little while later, wearing a thin, thin shirt with a jacket over it.

"Do you really think you'll have to put him out?", Hizashi asked as they made their way to his door.

"Don't know. He's a big dude. He can change the weather with a punch. Who knows what we'll need", He just frowned at her.

"Shouta can cancel out his quirk"

"We don't know what his quirk is. No one does. I can't do anything if it's a mutation quirk.", Came their constant voice of reason, though this time he was even more angry than usual.

"Well, maybe it won't even become a fight. I just want him to apologise to my baby", Nemuri pointed out.

"I don't want him near Izuku again. To apologise or not."

" 'Zashi, he's going to be a teacher next year. We don't have a say in that matter. What we can do is get him to understand something", Shouta said in a dangerous voice.

"And what would that be?"

"You don't mess with my family", He replied, smirking slightly as he arrived at the correct apartment. He knocked.

"Hey, Katsuki. Now's not the best time", Mina whispered in her phone. When she saw who was calling she left the living room to answer it.

"Why not? Deku's not answering his stupid phone! Is the nerd okay?", How do you tell a very angry Bakugou that his idol upset his best friend?

"Um, yeah. He's fine. It's just that something happened on his walk home. It's really not for me to say. You know? I'm sure Izuku will tell you when he's feeling a bit better", He did not take this very well. That's the thing about Katsuki. He hates secrets.


"I'm trying to tell you he doesn't want to talk about it!"

"Give. Him. The. Phone. Pinky. Or I swear I will come over. "

"He doesn't want to talk! And you can't come over it's after dark, you're mom would kill you."

"The old lady can try it. I'll be over in twenty minutes", with that he hung up. She sighed and walked back to the living room.

"What was that about?", Hitoshi looked up from the puzzle that they had been working on.

"Katsuki will be over in twenty minutes", she sat back down in her spot. Izuku gaped at her.

"Why? And how? It's a thirty minute walk from his house. He could get here in time if he sprinted I guess, but there's no way that's physically possible-", he began to ramble nervously.

"He said it's because you weren't answering the phone, and I wouldn't give the phone to you"

"He's so stubborn", Izuku muttered to himself.

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